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( I do not own the pictures or Merlin for that matter)
Welcome to the next part. I hope that you will like it:-)


"No"! Arthur shouted and ran over to Merlin as fast as he could. He pushed Morgana away and took Merlin up at his lap. His tears ran down on his cheeks, but he did not care. He felt so cold and empty. Merlin could not be dead. He used his sleeve to dry away the blood from his mouth. "Merlin" he pleaded. "Is he dead"? Percival asked. The Knights stood around him all pale. Arthur felt so stupid. Why had he not thought of that? He checked for a pulse. He almost cried in relief. "Not yet, but the pulse is weak" he mumbled. "We need to get Gaius" Lancelot said. Arthur tried to think clearly. "Yes of course" he mumbled. He lifted Merlins limb body up in his arms. He did not weight much, so it was not hard. He held him close into his chest. "Morganas guards are still all over the castle" Leon said. "Then we fight threw them"! Gwaine shouted. "Calm down for Gods sake we are all worried about him" Leon said. Lancelot had become very silent. He just looked at his pale friend in Arthurs arms. "How do we get out"? Percival asked. "Arthur"? Arthur shook his head to get out of his bitter thoughts. "There are a secret tunnel from my room" he said. "There are what"? Gwaine shouted. Arthur nodded. "That's actually quite cool" Gwaine mumbled. "Behind the carpet" Arthur said. Leon moved the wall carpet and gasped when he saw the staircase. "Lets hurry" Arthur mumbled lost in Merlins face. If it was not for the blood and his skin there looked all to white you could almost think that he was asleep.
The Knights left Morganas body and started to run down the stairs. The corridor was dark and they should concentrate not to fall. "Does he still breath"? Arthur asked Lancelot there ran beside of him. Lancelot took his hand up to Merlin neck while he walked. "I can feel a pulse" he said. Arthur sighed in relief. "We just have to get him to Gaius" he mumbled to himself. When they got down to the bottom of the staircase they stood in front of a wooden door. Leon opened it and they stood in a little garden. They walked close to the castle walls so the guards couldn't see them. Finally they got to the forest and they started to run to the place they had planned with Gwen and Gaius. Only the moon lightened up the forest. The trees were tall and looked threatening. All they could here was each others breath. It hurt in Arthurs chest. He was so scared to loose Merlin. He did not know what he would do if he died. "Lancelot, Arthur"! Gwen came running when she saw them. Gaius came after her. "No"! Gwen cried when she saw Merlin. She ran over and touched his forehead. Tears ran down of her cheeks. Gaius stopped and looked at his ward. He slowly walked closer. "No" was all he could say. "Please Gaius help. He's not dead yet" Arthur pleaded. "What"! Both Gaius and Gwen shouted. "His pulse" was all Arthur could say. The old man ran over to him. "Put him down" he ordered. Arthur did as he was told even though he did not like to let go. "What happened"? Gaius asked with his doctor voice while he looked at Merlin. He opened his eyes and felt after his pulse. "I.. I... He.." Arthur hated himself, but he could not think clear. "We came in and both Morgana and Merlin was coughing and looked like they were in pain. Merlin killed Morgana, but then he collapsed too" Leon spoke fast. "What were they doing when you entered" Gaius asked. "Eating" Percivale said. Gaius nodded. Arthur looked at the old man and got really scared. There were tears in Gaius's eyes. "What's wrong with him"? Arthur asked while sobbing. "He's been poisoned. And if I'm correct it was with Bella Donna" Gaius said with a broken voice. Lancelot collapsed on the ground with his head in his hands. "Oh god" he whispered. "Is there nothing you can do"? Arthur asked. Gaius shook his head. "He should already be dead now" he said. Gwaine ran over to the nearest tree and started to beat it up. "But why is he then not dead" Arthur asked. Gaius looked at Merlin. Then suddenly he stood up. "You need to talk with the dragon" he said. "What"? Arthur asked. He could see hope in the old man eyes and suddenly he felt his courage come back. "The dragon that your father captured in the carves under the castle. You need to talk to it. If anyone can help it's him" Gaius said. "But why should it want to help me"? Arthur asked. "He has a special bond with Merlin" Gaius told. "Alright" Arthur said. He could feel hope spreading inside of him. "Lancelot and Leon you are going with me. Percivale and Gwaine stay here and protect Merlin" He spoke fast. He sat bent down to kiss Merlin forehead and then he ran with Lancelot and Leon behind him.
When they got to the castle they sneaked over to the wall. Some guards stood and protected the gate. Arthur looked at his Knights and waved his hand. They nodded and sneaked over on the other side. When Arthur again could see them he waved again and they all ran forward. The guards did not even had time to get there sword before they were knocked out. After that it wasn't hard to get down the corridor and down in the cave. They ran down some stairs and got into a large, stony, dark cave. There were cliffs and stones all over them. Suddenly Arthur felt very little. He stood ready with his sword. It was a dragon after all. Lancelot and Leon was also ready. "Hallo"? Arthur shouted. It gipped in all the Knights when a deep laughter felt the cave. It echoed  at the walls and it sounded like it came from the stones. Suddenly a great dragon came flying down and landed just In front of the three knight there all stood frozen. The dragon was more than ten times bigger than them self. "There is no need for those things" Killgarrah said and nodded at the swords while he stretched his wings. "I.. I mean Merlin needs your help" Arthur mumbled while looking at the big creature in front of him. Had it really lived here under the castle all the time? "Really"? Killgarrah asked. "He is dying. He was poisoned" Arthur told the giant dragon. "Did he kill the witch"? Killgarrah asked. Arthur nodded. "Well then there is nothing I can do" The great dragon said with a smirk.

----------------ooOoWoOoo --------------

Thank you for reading.

If you are a Morgana fan don't cry to much. I'm not saying anymore. But please keep reading:-)

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