I do

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(I do not own the pictures or Merlin!!!)
So last chapter. I'm so exited:-D


(One year later)

Arthur turned when he felt the morning sun on his face. He didn't want to get up. Maybe he could sleep just a little more. He pulled his blanket up under his nose. He felt very happy, but he didn't know why. Maybe something special would happen today? He suddenly opened his eyes. He remembered. His smile reached both of his ears when he saw the beautiful sleeping man beside of him. He was about to get married to him today. How could he forget? This was going to be the best day ever. Merlins hair was wild on his head and on the pillow. Arthur laughed a little and took it away from the pale face so he could see the closed eyes and the sharp cheekbones. Arthur sighed happily. He couldn't believe how good his life had turned out. Camelot was the strongest kingdom in Albion. Druids and non magical people worked side by side. They had food for everybody and everybody could get a job. He had a perfect daughter and a perfect soon to be husband. Arthur sighed again. He could just look at the sleeping Merlin all day. There sounded a loud bang and both Merlin and Arthur sat up in shock. Merlin looked sleepy and confused. "Look, look, look! Gwen have made me ready for the feast" a little happy voice sounded. Both Merlin and Arthur smiled when they saw the intruder. Morgana stood beside there bed. Her hair was braised and she had a red and golden dress on. She looked beautiful. "You are the most beautiful little princess I ever have seen" Arthur said and lifted her up on the bed. Merlin smiled and closed his eyes again. Morgana looked at Arthur. "Is he sleeping"? She whispered. "No no" he answered and started to tickle Merlin. Morgana giggled and helped. Merlin first tried to get away, but ended up falling out of the bed. Morgana first became worried, but when Arthur started laughing she did too. Merlin crawled back up in bed. He laughed too. "Can I please braise your hair to the feast like Gwen did mine"? Morgana asked. Merlin smiled and pulled her over to sit on him. "We don't have as long and beautiful hair as you" he explained. Morgana smiled proudly. "Did you remember to say thank you to Gwen"? Merlin asked. "Yes and I also hugged her" she answered. Arthur kissed her on her hair. "That was good" he said. Morgana screamed and jumped down of the bed. "Don't ruin my hair" she complained. Both Merlin and Arthur had a hard time hiding there laughing. Morgana stood with her hands on her waist and her mouth twisted. "Sorry" Arthur laughed. Morgana smiled and crawled back in bed. She put her self between her fathers. Merlin closed his eyes and took an arm around his daughter. Arthur smiled happily and closed his eyes too.
Suddenly someone knocked on the door. Arthur sighed and took his pillow over his head. He just wanted to lay here with his family all morning. Merlin slowly opened his eyes and opened his mouth to answer the knocker, but Morgana came first. "ENTER"! She called. Who ever stood behind the door hesitated. "Oh just open that door. It's the princess order" they could hear Gwaine say. The door opened and Gwaine, Lancelot and Gwen came in. Lancelot and Gwen smiled warmly to them. Gwaine just went over and threw himself on the bed over the two other men and the girl. Morgana laughed and jumped up to sit on Gwaine's stomach. "I give up. Please spare me" Gwaine yelled. Morgana jumped up and down. "Only if you promise me to give me back my sword" she giggled. Merlin laughed, but Arthur looked irritated at his knight. "Have you hidden her sword again"? He asked. Gwaine laughed. "She took my comb" he said. Morgana had been given a little sword made of tree and Gwaine had already hid it three times of different reasons Arthur no longer could remember. "Okay no more talk. We have things to do. I just came here to help my groom get ready" Gwaine said and blinked at Arthur. "Merlin are you ready"? Lancelot asked. Merlin nodded and sat up. "Come Morgana" Gwen said and stretched out her hand. Morgana jumped down of Gwaine. "I shall protect the castle from danger" she sang happily and ran out with Gwen laughing after her. "We two are going to my chambers to do you ready princess" Gwaine said and stood up. Arthur nodded and leaned over the bed to kiss his love. Merlin also leaned in, but they got stopped when that were only inches from each other. Lancelot had a firm grip on Merlin and so did Gwaine on Arthur. "Hey"! Arthur said irritated. "Sorry. Not before after the wedding" Lancelot said. Merlin sighed and stood up. So did Arthur. Gwaine started to walk to the door. Arthur followed, but when he went by Merlin he quickly planted a kiss on the smaller mans lips. Merlin laughed when both Gwaine and Lancelot grumbled. "That's cheating" Gwaine mumbled. Arthur followed him out of the door with a smug smile.
Only a couple of hours later Merlin stood behind the big wooden doors into the throne room. He had butterflies in his stomach. The clothes Lancelot had put him in felt stif and it was so fine that he was afraid to ruin it. He also felt like there wasn't enough oxygen in the room. He coughed and tried to loosen up the tight shirt. Lancelot hit his fingers away. "Don't ruin my master piece" he mumbled. "I look ridiculous" Merlin mumbled back. Lancelot had given him a blue shirt with a dark blue vest over. The vest had some silver strings in it. Merlin could clearly see that the clothes was very nice, but he didn't feel that it suited him. Lancelot opened his mouth to say something, but Gwen came before him. "Oh God Merlin, you look so good" she said with a giant smile when she came over to the two men with Morgana after her. Merlin blushed. "I'm ready" Morgana said and stood before Merlin with her tree sword raised before her. "Why do you have that with you"? Lancelot asked. "I will protect you all from danger" she said proudly. Merlin laughed. "What would we do with out you" he said. Morgana stuck out her chest and looked to the door. Gwen turned to Merlin. "Ready"? She asked with tears in her eyes. Merlin could feel the butterflies again when he nodded. "Great" Gwen said and then the big wooden doors opened before them and reviled the beautiful decorated throne room. Flowers and ribbons hang from golden vases and from the windows, which made the light seem very colour full. It was all so beautiful. People stood up against the walls. They all stood on toes to get a look at the groom. Morgana started to walk with Gwen just beside of her to control the little happy girl. Merlin started to walk too. First he saw the knights; Elyan, Leon, Percivale and many others. Then he saw Gaius and his mother. There were so many people, but suddenly was there only one man who he could see. All other around him became a blur for him. Up where the thrones usually stood were also decorated with flowers and on the back wall a big red carpet with a golden dragon was hung up. Gwaine and Geoffrey, the priest, stood there, but it was the tall blond man Merlin couldn't get his eyes of. Arthur stood with a beaming smile in his perfect face. He wore a red shirt with a red and golden vest over. He looked so handsome, but it was the eyes Merlin couldn't get enough of. The blue eyes were filled with tears that Merlin had never seen in the mans eyes before. He looked so happy and Merlin just wanted to run up and kiss him. Finally Morgana got up to were Arthur stood and Merlin was just behind her. Gwen lead Morgana out to the side and now Merlin could stand before the love of his life. He could take his hands in his own. Geoffrey started to talk, but he couldn't hear a thing. He could feel his own tears start to fill up his eyes and the warm hands in his. Arthurs lips started to move. "I do" he said and Merlin new that he had to say it too in a moment. "Will you, Merlin of Ealdor, take this man and promise to stand by his side to death drew you apart"? Geoffrey asked. Merlin had to swallow before he could answer. "I do" he whispered. "Then I announce you as married" Geoffrey finished. Arthur leaned in and so did Merlin. There lips met and cheering filled the room. There were also some catcalls. Merlin was pretty sure that it was Gwaine. But he didn't care. He was so happy. He could feel Arthurs lips on his and that was everything he wanted. Music had started to play and people still cheered, but Merlin and Arthurs lips still met. Merlin could feel someone tuck in his shirt and he parted from Arthur to look down. Morgana stood and looked up at him with bright eyes. Arthur laughed and lifted her up. Morgana took a firm grip in Merlins shirt and pulled him close so they all three stood close. Merlin couldn't be more happy when he took his arm around Arthur neck and the other one around Morgana who still sat on Arthur's arm. "How do you feel prince Merlin Pendragon"? Arthur asked with his mouth close to Merlins ear. "Pretty good. I have just married the world's best dollop head" Merlin said. Arthur laughed and their lips met again.


Thank you so much for reading. It have been so fun to write this little adventure for the lovely Merthur couple.
If you feel generous, go check out my Instagram: colinmorgan_fan

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