💜Chapter 1: Almost dying from tripping..

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Hello, best friends! Welcome to my new story!!

Anyways let's get on with the first chapter shall we?

Let's goooo....

Reed's POV

I felt something cold running down the back of my spine...

Oh. My. Gods.

"Will! You did not just pour freezing water down my back!" I shout, feeling furious.

Will just looked at me innocently it's as if he has no idea why I'm soaking wet right now. "It's only been two weeks since school started, and you're already slacking off? Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! I have to say Reed, I'm quite disappointed," He smirks, "But you're lucky I'm not THAT disappointed, so I decided to wake you up, because if I didn't you would be extremely late..."

All anger was completely thrown out the window and I quickly embrace my 13 year old brother. "Oh thank you! thank you! thank you!"

Will knows how much I hate being late, it's not that Im one of THOSE people, it's because I become the center of attention the minute I walk through the class room doors. It makes me really conscious about myself, and I hate it.

I swiftly take a hot shower. My teeth chattering as soon as the cold air hits my skin. Goosebumps ride all over my body as I quickly throw on my skinny jeans and a Panic! At The Disco t-shirt and of course my trusty pair of black and white converse.

I run down the stairs almost dying from tripping down the last few steps. I quickly grab an apple from the kitchen counter and run outside the door and into my car.

I check my watch, it's 7:46 am. Just a few more minutes till school starts. I pull out of the drive way and proceed my 9 minute drive to hell A.K.A. School. 


I'm currently trying to find a parking space near the school doors. Since it's currently 7:55 am. I've been driving around this fucki- FOUND IT!

It's the nearest to the door too! I drive my car there and just as I was about to back my car up, a black BMW slid in and suddenly I was too late. That car looks really familiar.

The driver's door opened then I saw a tall guy with dark hair, a perfect jaw line, a stance that only dauntless would use. He was wearing a Nirvana t-shirt, a leather jacket and a pair of black ripped jeans and black converse. I know who he is! It's the new kid who's been branded "Bad Boy" by the whole school, and he's Celine's Boyfriend. But I have to admit, he's HOT!

Ugh... But I still have to find a parking spot.


I, Isabella Reed Summers, is now officially late to school.

I love my life. Note the sarcasm.

I speed walk my way to class, hoping that Mr. Andrews won't be too mad. I was about to turn a corner. But I suddenly hit my head on a wall, causing me to fall backwards.

"Did you just fall?" I hear the wall say. I must have hit my head pretty hard if the wall's talking to me. "I said, did you just fall?" I looked up at the "wall" and see the one and the only "Bad Boy" of the school.

"No. I attacked the floor." I said in a sarcastic tone. "Backwards?" He asked, looking amused.


I grabbed all my things and head to the library. I'm already 25 minutes late so what's the point. I'll just read a book to pass the time.


I was so focused on my book that I didn't realize it's already half past second period. I was in the library, reading: The Catastrophic History of you and me by:Jess Rothenberg for half an hour.

How do I know this? Well if it wasn't for my best friends, Nikki and Charlie, I would still be in the library and my nose would still be stuck in a book.

I'm so f•cked. I've already missed two classes! I guess Will was kind of right.

Way to go, Reed! Said an inner voice.

Oh just shut up! now I know I'm going crazy. I'm having an argument with myself.

I'm speed walking yet again through the hallways of this hell, focusing hard so won't bump into anyone this time.

I open the door to my trigonometry class and unfortunately Mrs. Rodriguez was here already and to make matters worse all of the students in the room were now staring at me, including Mr. Bad Boy, the person I bumped into earlier this chapter.

I look down pretending that my shoes are the most fucking interesting thing in the universe.

"Ah, Ms. Summers! How nice of you to join us! I'm glad we could still fit this into your schedule." Sarcasm dripping from her voice.

Bitch. I roll my eyes.

"Excuse me?" I hear my classmates snicker from their seats.

Oh. Gods.

I did not just say that out loud!? Shit!

I just took the detention slip and find an empty seat. Which happens a to be next to Mr. Bad Boy's seat, I just realized I don't really know his name.

"I hope you like where your sitting because that's where you are going to sit for the rest of the school year." Said Mrs. Rodriguez, I swear I can see the evil glint in her eyes.

Well sh•t! I'm going to sit next to him for the rest of the school year.

I can see that this school year is going to be great.


So what do you guys think about chapter one??

Comment what do you think is Mr. Bad Boy's name.

976 words

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Bye my lovelies

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