💜Chapter 2: Hi.

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Hi guys!!! I hope you enjoyed chapter 1 it took me forever to write and I'm sorry that it had some scenes written with wrong grammar, English isn't my first language.

Anyway enough chit chat. Let's move on to chapter 2

Reed's POV

I am currently walking towards the cafeteria with Nikki.

Nikki is the craziest person you'll ever meet in your life. She is a dark brown haired with blue highlights, dark blue eyed and pale skinned girl. She has stuck by me through thick and thin. She always helps me whenever I get episodes and I trust her with my life. She maybe crazy but she is the most amazing best friend I could ever have.

"I was at this party last week and you won't believe who showed up..." Said Nikki, obviously excited.

"Uh huh... Yeah... Oh really..?" I say incoherently. Rummaging my backpack for my secret notebook. It's a notebook I keep where I could write anything about everything and now it seems to be missing.
"Shit," I mutter.

"Why what happened?" Asked Nikki, noticing my panicked expression. "I can't find my special notebook." I state quietly. "Maybe you just left it in your locker." Nikki offers. "Yeah, you're probably right." I say, But I know it's not there, I never leave it there.

"How about this: you go back to your locker and find your notebook whilst I go inside the cafeteria and buy us some food, yeah?" She states in a calming voice. I nod in agreement, "okay, okay I'll meet you at our usual table."

I start my walk towards my locker.

As I rummage my locker, I lost the hope I didn't know I had.

It's not here.

But then I feel a presence behind me, and I immediately think it's Charlie.

Charlie is my other best friend. He's crazy like me. But personally I think that he is much more crazier than me and Nikki. I must admit though that he is quite good looking but I would ever like him more than a friend/brother. Besides, even if I did like him that way he is madly in love with Nikki.

I turn around not bothering to look at him, I'm too sad to see his face. I place my head on his shoulder. Tears threatening to spill out.

He patted my back awkwardly.

"Uhh...Hi..?" He said. WTF? That's not Charlie's voice. I look up and see...

Him. It's Mr. Bad Boy. My face was inches away from his. Holy Shit.

And out of instinct...

...I punched him.

Yeah that's right. I punched someone, and not just anybody, I fucking punched the Bad Boy. Oh my gods.

"Oh my gods! I'm so sorry!" I say getting all flustered, not really sure how to apologize.

"What the actual fuck?" He said. I look around noting that no one is here, all of them must be at the cafeteria. Oh thank gods. I couldn't have bared the embarrassment if anyone was here to see.

"Is this what you're looking for?" He says, and in his hand is my Special Notebook.

I try to grab it.

Key word: try.

"Give. It. Back. NOW." He holds above his head, I try to reach it but he's much much taller than I am. "Okay, I'll give it back, if..."

Oh no, "if? If what?"

"I'll give it back, if you tell me your name." Wait, what? That's it's? That's all I have to do? "Fine, my name is, Summers, Reed Summers. Now, will you please give it back?" He hands me my notebook and says, "You have a horrible name, mine is way better, I'm Seth, Seth Evans." He smirks.



Hey guys!! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!!

And a big shout out to my best friend xXChairXx for she is like my Nikki in real life. Also please check out her story, it's called "A Perfect Mistake." It's super good!!

667 words

Anyways love you all loads!!

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