Chapter Six ✔

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"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck," Tyler repeatedly said, smacking his head on his desk with each 'Fuck'.

"Whoa, calm down there tiger," Tyler looked up as he glared at Alex.

"Fuck off, Alex. I'm not in the mood right now," he sighed, rubbing his forehead.

"What's wrong?" Alex asked, raising his eyebrow in concern.

"Josh is making me go on this stupid business trip this weekend, he asked me after I brought him his coffee and I just, please kill me," he begged, looking at his friend with pleading eyes.

"But shouldn't that be a good thing though? A whole weekend with your boss?" Alex then asked with a small smirk, wiggling his eyebrows at him.

"Die," he said only for the male to raise his hands up in defence before he left Tyler to have a hissy fit over going on a stupid trip with his boss.

It's not like he cares, it's more of the fact that he's spending a weekend with the man who he had slept with and that man being his Boss for fuck sakes.

That night keeps replaying over and over in his head, he's finding it hard to push that night out of his head and it's really starting to annoy him now.

He needs a distraction.

He quickly got up from his desk chair and walked straight to the break room where he knows all the guys would be.

"Guys," Tyler called, walking over to the circle of guys who were crowded around the coffee machine.

'Yeah's' and 'What's' were heard as Tyler came to a stop in front of the little circle.

"Can we go out for a few drinks tonight?" He asked.

"But we have work tomorrow?" Max replied.

"Well I'm in for it," Brendon said with a small shrug.

"Of course you are," Ryan replied with a roll of his eyes "But sure why not."

The rest of the guys said sure seeing as none of them actually had any plans for the night anyway.

"Well, I have to go. Steven needs me," Max said picking up his coffee and leaving the break room.

"That so means 'We're going to go make out in the bathroom,'" Brendon said wiggling his eyebrows causing everyone to laugh.

"I ship them. They're definitely a one true pairing," Tyler said with a small laugh before taking a sip of the coffee he had just made up.

"They're my second favourite ship on my ship list," Pete said.

"Who's your first?" Tyler asked, raising his eyebrow.

"Joshler," he simple replied gaining a groan off of Tyler and a slap on the arm.


Later that night all the guys were finally walking into the club getting ready to drink the night away and to have a huge hangover for work tomorrow.

Tyler was so going to regret this tomorrow, but after all it was his idea so there's no backing out of it now.

All of them walked over to the bar, ordering a few shots before they down them all in one go before ordering the strongest drinks they had to offer.

And with a few drinks later, they were all pissed off, their words being slurred as they all danced on the dance floor.

"GUYS!" Tyler shouted with a slur over the music, all the guys turning to face him as they gave him a 'What?' in response.

"MOODIE IS REAL!" He shouted, pointing over to the corner where Max and Steven where practically eating each other's faces off.

"TAKE A FUCKING PICTURE!" Brendon shouted, everyone quickly took out their phones taking a picture of the two over in the corner.

'This is such a keeper. Also great for black mail.' Tyler thought to himself with a small smirk rising on his face.

A couple hours finally passed and lets just say all the guys were officially drunk as shit. They weren't your average drunks either.

Tyler was in the middle of the dance floor dancing with some random guy he thought was hot, they were laughing and sharing cheeky kisses with each other.

But no one needed to know that.

Soon he was being dragged out of the club by the male. Both of them getting into a taxi and heading back to Tyler's place.

They paid the taxi driver before they made their way into the apartment complex, getting into the lift pressing the button to Tyler's floor before it started moving upwards.

When they reached Tyler's door, he unlocked it before opening the door but before he knew it the male had Tyler pushed up against the wall as he began to kiss his neck making sure to leave marks.

When the male finally pulled away, Tyler spoke up in a slur "To the bedroom," he slurred in the males ear before dragging him to his bedroom.

Let's just say Tyler and the mysterious man had got it on that night, the male had even left very obvious marks all over Tyler's body.

Tyler was so going to be in deep shit tomorrow by his boss tomorrow, but he doesn't know that just yet because all he thinks is that he was just another one of his Boss's one night stands.

Tomorrow is definitely going to be one hell of a day as he will be leaving for that stupid business trip with Josh.


"Where'd Tyler go?" Pete asked Brendon, he was the only sensible one not drinking as he was the designated driver for all of his friends', he also needed to be sober enough to round them all up and get them safely in his car without any harm being done.

"He left with this random guy," Brendon slurred with a shrug of his shoulder before walking over to where Ryan was, starting to dancing with him.

Pete groaned in frustration, rubbing his face with a small frown on his lips. Great, that's one boy he's lost within the matter of hours they had been at this stupid club.

He just hopes that Tyler will be okay, but he guesses he'll know that tomorrow when he sees him at work. That's if he turns up.

Finally after a few more drinks and dancing Pete had managed to get them all into his car before dropping them all off at their individual homes.

Now let's go back to Tyler's place.

Tyler and his mystery guy had just finished what they were doing in Tyler's room before they had finally fallen asleep.

Let's just say he's probably going to receive a noise complaint within the next couple of days.

But tomorrow is going to be oh so much fun for Tyler when he gets to work and sees Josh. Note the sarcasm.

Josh is very possessive of what is his and quite frankly Tyler doesn't exactly know this yet but he is Josh's.

And by god is Josh so going to show Tyler that he's his and only his tomorrow. He's going to show him that he doesn't belong to anyone else.

Because he's Josh's and only Josh's.

Assistant / Joshler Smut **EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now