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Tyler walked into the break room, automatically getting a big slap to his arm. He instantly rubbed his arm where he got hit.

He looked to see who the culprit was and of course it was Pete "Ow, what was that for?"

"You know what it's for, you lazy fucker," Pete said rolling his eyes.

Both boys sat down at a table sitting across from each other.

"So, what do you have planned for Patrick then?" Tyler asked raising his eyebrow.

"I don't know, that's why I came to you," Pete mumbled.

"Well that's helpful," Tyler said rolling his eyes at Pete only to get another slap.

"Shut up, I know it's not," he sighed looking down "I just want him to have a nice night you know?"

"Yeah I know," Tyler said with a nod.

Pete just side laying his head down on the table and mumbled "I just don't know what to do for him."

"Do something nice, something chilled out, maybe take him to the fair? To the movies? Or have a chilled night at home?" Tyler said hoping to give him some type of idea for Pete and Patrick's date.

"Yeah, yeah! That's a great idea! Thank you, Tyler, I owe you one," Pete smiled standing up and hugging his friend.

"Hey, it's not a problem," Tyler smiled back.

Pete smiled one more time before walking off, probably to go find Patrick like always.

Tyler walked over to the coffee machine and poured himself a coffee. Once he finished making it, he stood there and drank it in peace.

"Hey, Tyler," someone said in a flirtatious manner.

Tyler  looked up and saw Sarah is it? Or whatever her name is standing there twirling her hair with her finger.

"What do you want, Sarah?" He groaned taking a sip from his coffee.

"It's Sophie, and I just wanted to hang out that's all," she fake giggled with a ridiculous smile on her face.

"I don't care, and I don't have time to 'hang out'" he said air quoting hang out "I have other important things to do."

He walked out and made his way to the lift going up to Josh's office leaving a very stunned and annoyed Sophie standing in the break room.

Tyler knocked on Josh's door then walked in shutting it behind him. He looked over to Josh and sent him a smile which he returned.

Tyler walked over to Josh sitting down on his lap wrapping his arms around Josh's neck, kissing his cheek.

"Hey baby," Josh smiled lightly kissing Tyler on the cheek.

"Hey," Tyler replied smiling back.

"Looking forward to our date tomorrow?" Josh asked raising his eyebrow.

Tyler nodded with a smile "Yeah I am, where are we going exactly?"

"I can't tell you that now," Josh chuckled only to get an eye roll in return.

Both of the boys sat there and talked, sharing small kisses here and there just enjoying having each other there.

Tyler's phone started to ring making him groan. He pulled his phone out of his pocket to see who it was.

He looked at the caller ID and saw that his mum was calling. He mentally groaned remembering the last time they spoke with each other.

She was planning on finding him a boyfriend so he in her words "Won't be alone for the rest of his life."

He sighed and answered the phone "Hey mum."

"Hey sweetie, so guess what," she said with excitement in her voice.

"What?" He replied now putting the phone on speaker phone just so Josh can know what she's about to say, because he has a fair good idea on what she's about to say.

"I found you a boyfriend!" She cheered with happiness in her voice only making him groan.

"Mum, I don't need a boyfriend," he sighed when really he does but the one he wants is making him wait.

"He's perfect for you though," she bragged on, Josh having enough of hearing her trying to get his baby boy to be with someone else.

Yeah, he's making him wait but only one more day, fuck still being married and waiting for the divorce papers. He wants Tyler and he wants him now, but to make things official tomorrow.

Josh took the phone from Tyler's hand and began to speak into the phone "Hello, Mrs. Joseph," he said politely. 

"Oh, Hello, who may this be?" She said concern in her voice.

"I'm Josh, Josh Dun," he replied.

"Tyler's boss, am I correct?" He nodded but she couldn't see him so he said yes.

"What may be the problem?" She now asked with worry in her voice.

"Nothing to be worried about, I just wanted to ask you something," he replied.

"Oh, what might that be dear?" Tyler looked at Josh raising his eyebrow and giving him the look of 'What are you doing?'

"Would it be okay if I asked your son out?" He asked hoping for a yes.

He wanted to ask first so he could have her consent of course, as some mums actually don't like many people their children go out with.

He also thought it would be polite.

"Wait.. What?" She replied with confusion "But you're his boss?"

"I am very aware I am his boss, Mrs. Joseph, but if I give you my number we can talk more about it, I hope?" He now said biting his lip.

Tyler just stayed quiet for the whole conversation because he was just sat there in pure shock. Josh was asking his mum who had already found him a boyfriend (note who he wouldn't have dated anyway), to ask her if he could be official with him.

He was happy but he was also in shock.

"Oh um, yes of course," Josh told her his number then they both ended the phone call.

Josh handed Tyler his phone back with a smile on his face.

"Did you seriously just do that?" Tyler asked still in shock getting a nod from the boy.

Tyler just smiled and connected his lips softly with Josh's savouring the moment.

He really did love- wait does he love Josh? He has liked him for who knows how long now but that doesn't mean he loves him right?

But Josh gives him all these feelings he's never felt before in his life, he gets butterflies in his stomach and his breath always gets caught in his throat when he sees him in his suit.

He thinks about their future, will they have a future with him? Will they grow old together? Get married and maybe adopt a few kids?

Does that mean he loves him? He knows that something is there but he's afraid to love Josh. What if he does to Tyler what he did to his husband?

So many thoughts began to run through his mind but he shook them off and deepened the kiss.

He'll just think it through later, he just wants to spend his time with Josh and only Josh.


Long chapter for you all. This and the next are filler chapters.

I'm going to start writing the first chapter to my Peterick book if you guys would be interested in reading that as well? It's going to be a love story between the two boys. It's going to be cute.

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