You're New Life In The Big Apple

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My name is Katara Jones. I recently moved to New York City. Every since I was young I've had a love and interest for video games so now I own and run a company that creates some off the most popular games around. But with being wealthy and famous comes concerns and worries. Danger #1: Crazy fans. Every I go, that paparazzi relentlessly shadow me and fans question me and harass me about my next video game. I've begun to think I'll have to go ninja stealth mode every time I leave my apartment. Danger#2: Gangs. I have to be cautious about leaving my house at night by myself. Several gangs out there would love to get their hands on me and use me as a bargaining chip or try to steal my wealth our my company. #3: Copy cats. People have tried to copy or remake my work and pass it off as their own to make some money. As you can see while I have a great life, I am not completely safe. Maybe a body guard is in order....But that aside I've been fending for yourself every since my father went missing... he's been gone a while. I just I hope he's alive.

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