Announcing Our Relationship

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Katara's POV

Caesar goes to the bathroom to take a shower, while I stand in front of the mirror combing my hair. It takes me a while to get all the knots and tangles because it's so long and thick. By the time I finish about 13 minutes have passed. I take off my shirt and my shorts And walk over to the closet to get some clothes. As I do Caesar walks out of the bathroom. His eyes widen when he sees me in my underwear. "Uuummm." I say slightly embarrassed. Caesar turns his head. "Sorry. I didn't know you were undressed." He said. "Oh, is fine." I reply. For some reason I'm not extremely bothered by him seeing me in my underwear. "It doesn't really bother me all that much." I tell him. He turns his head back to me and smiles. "So how do you feel about this." He said seductively before walking closer and running one hand down my back towards by butt. I blush and moan involuntarily, but I don't try to stop him either. He smirked and snickered at my reaction and removed his hand before leaning in to whisper in my ear. "To be continued." He said seductively, leaning in to lick my earlobe. I moaned again and blushed harder. He slowly slides his tail across my stomach before pulling away and walking to the closet to get dressed. I walked to the dresser to grab some of my clothing to get dressed.

10 minutes later

"Hey Caesar, when are we gonna tell everyone that we're dating?" I asked curiously. "When we get downstairs during breakfast." He said. "That way Mikey and M.C. know to keep their hands off of you." "Pffft! Haha! You're going to be overprotective of me?" I asked teasingly. "Can you blame me? Your a gorgeous girl with a wonderful personality and a nice body. Who wouldn't try to get you?" He said giving me a sexy wink. I blushed at his words before leaning up to kiss his cheek. He stopped walking and turned to look at me. "What was that?" He said grabbing me and kissing me full on the lips. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance. I opened my lips partially and his tongue slithered into my mouth before tracking and twisting with my own. I'd never felt anything like it before and It caused me to moan a bit. Caesar pulled his lips away before giving me a cocky grin. "We'll save the rest for later." He said. When we got downstairs everyone greeted us and said good morning.

"Hey guys? I got somethin' I wanna announce." Caesar said after we'd sat down. Everyone turned their attention to us. "Katara and I are going out know." He said smiling at me. Raph smiled. "Congrats. I'm happy for you two." He said sincerely. Swift was crying tears of joy. "My baby is growing up so fast!" He said wiping his tears away. Everyone else smiled and congratulated us, even Ghost smiled a bit. Although he lowered his face into the collar of his shirt to hide it. We all ate breakfast in silence before splitting and going out sperate ways to complete our tasks or starting out jobs. I needed to go to my apartment to retrieve done items I left before. "Hey, Caesar? I need to go back to my apartment to get some stuff I left there will you come with me please?" I asked him. "Sure. Come on." He said. He led me to the garage and turned on the light. Inside there was a golden Lamborghini.

 Inside there was a golden Lamborghini

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"Wow." Was the only word I could think of. I walked closer and touched the hood of the car. Looking into the beautiful gold paint, I could see my reflection starting back at me with an awestruck expression. "Haha. You should see your face right now." He said. "It's a really nice car." I said. "Well we should get going if you're done gawking at my car." He said jokingly,Rolling his eyes. "Alright, let's go I said to him.

30 minutes later.

Caesar pulled his car into my driveway before getting out with me and heading into my apartment.

"Wow, nice." He said looking around my apartment. "Thanks, but we should start grabbing my things if you're done gawking at the room." I teased him back. "Are you trying to tease me?" He asked with a sly grin. "I guess I'll have to show you who's boss then." He tackled me to the ground and started tickling me. I burst out laughing and tried to squirm out of his grip, but he was too strong for me to escape, so I went with plan B. I leaned up and kissed him. His eyes widened for a second before he closed his eyes and kissed me back. While he was distracted, I rolled over so he ended up underneath me and then i started tickling him back. He laughed before picking me and himself up of the ground and kissing me. "I love you Katara." He whispered to me. "I love you too Caesar." I replied kissing his nose. "Come on, let's start getting my stuff." "Alright." He replied. We gathered my belongings including a pendant my father had given me. It was pure 24 karat gold with an emerald in the center. When I picked it up I immediately put it around my neck. I remember promising my father when I was little that I would never take it off. We take my stuff to his car before going back up to grab some more. Then all of a sudden my living room window shatters and a shadowy figure enters in. Caesar shields me with his body to protect me from any shards of broken glass. Then he reaches inside his hoodie and pulls out a gun and aims it at the figure, but by the time he gets it out the figure had already advanced on us. It grabs me by my neck and throws me to the other side of the room where I hit my head on the wall and a splitting pain quickly spreads through my head. I'm too disoriented and dizzy to move or fight back. The figure, who I'm guessing is a man based on his strength grabs me and presses a knife to my throat. Just as the cool sharp edge touches my neck the figure is yanked back by Caesar. The figure kicks Caesar hard in the pelvis. Caesar drops him and stumbles back. The figure tackles him to the ground and stabs him in the stomach with the knife. Caesar screams in pain. I grab a large shard of glass from the floor and stab the figure in between his shoulder and his neck. He recoils but doesn't make and sound before jumping back through the broken window. Once he's gone I run over to Caesar and call 911 and give them my address and tell them what happened. They tell me to apply pressure to the stab wound to try and slow the bleeding. Caesar sits up and to my horror, doubles over coughing up blood. I push him back down gently before ripping off a strip of my shirt and tying it gently but firmly into place pressing down on it lightly in an effort to stop the blood. Soon the ambulance arrives and several nurses rush in and take Caesar down to the ambulance. I ride in the back with him all the way to the hospital. They take him in for immediate examination and one nurse takes me to the waiting room and tells me she'll come back after they've examined him. In the meanwhile I step outside and call Raph. He picks up almost immediately. "Hey Katara, what's up?" He says casually. "Hey Raph. Is Swift there too?" I ask trying to remain calm. "Yeah. Why?" He asks. "I have something I need to tell you that he should hear too." I say. "Alright, what is it?" He says. "Caesar was attacked and stabbed by an assassin he's in the hospital right now." I say. "WHAT?!" Raph roared at the top of his lungs causing me to flinch away from my phone."We're on our way! See you in a bit." That's the last thing he says before I hear the tone that indicates he's hung up the phone.

To be continued...

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