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Caesar's POV

I wake up in the middle of the night to a strange feeling. I look beside me and see that Katara is gone. Where the hell is she? I'm sure she's still around the mansion somewhere. I hope so. I get dressed and head downstairs. Knowing Katara, she's probably near the pool. Being near water calms her. I head out back to the pool and my heart stops. Her pendant, along with some blood, is on the ground. I pick up her pendant and clutch it in my hand before putting it in my hoodie. I go back into the mansion and head to the upstairs hallway. "EVERYONE! WAKE YOUR ASS UP!" I shout with extra bass in my voice. Everyone comes out of their rooms looking pissed off. But freeze when they see me. I've been told I can be scary when I'm angry. Probably got that from pops and dad. "What are you doing waking us up at a time like this?!" Uncle Reb shouts angrily. "I WOULDN'T WAKE YOU LIKE THIS FOR NO REASON! Someone took Katara! I found her pendant outside on the ground with blood. And she wouldn't leave without telling me. I know her." I say glaring at each of them. Everyone gasps and looks at each other with shock clearly written on their faces. Even Ghost has a marginally concerned look in his eye, although he drops his usual expressionless mask over his face a second later. "Uncle Leo! What should we do?" I ask. Leo crosses his arms and lowers his head in thought for a second. "Katara always carries her cell phone. Either she has it, or the guys who took her have it. Donnie? Can you track it?" He asks looking over at my now wide awake nerdy uncle. "I can. When are we leaving?" He asks. "After we get dressed and grab our weapons. Let's go guys." Leo says. I've never seen him look so serious and collected. All the guys have come to care about her. Even uncle Ghost, even though he'd never say so. I haven't trained in a while, but I decide to take my sickle and chain. I still know how to use it, and I'm sure when I see the guy who took my girlfriend, my training will come back to me. I feel a smirk cross my face. I look up and see my uncles staring at me looking slightly terrified. "Like fathers, like son." They all say. Raph and Swift chuckle darkly with malevolent grins on their faces, similar to mine.

We follow the signal from her phone to a large warehouse that looks no different from the several other ones to it's sides. Raph, Swift, Rebel, Ghost, and I jump onto the roof to look through the windows. We find a large hole in one, and slip through it. We look down into the room, and my heart drops before a mix of rage and sadness fills me. She's conscious and tired down to a table with her face and arms covered in deep cuts, and her neck with bruises that look like he tried to choke her. Her breathing is ragged and blood is dripping out her mouth  A man is standing next to her filling a needle with something. Whatever it is, I'm not gonna let him use it. I look over at my dads and uncle. They all look pissed off. Even Ghost. Raph is growling and gripping onto his sai. Rebel and Swift unsheathe their weapons and glare maliciously at the men inside. We all jump down onto the floor, enraged, and prepared to fight for Katara. The men all stop what they're doing and attack us. I swing the blunt end of the sickle and chain around, hitting three guys square in the head. Total KO. "You get Katara! We'll hold them off!" Raph says stabbing one guy in the shoulder right above his collar bone. I run over to her and cut the leather bindings holding her down. She opens her eyes and a pained, but still happy smile spreads across her features. I pick her up carefully and jump onto the ledge in front of the window. "Let's go!" I shout.

Katara's POV

They actually came. They're so stupid. They could've been hurt too. I think I need to go to the hospital. "Katara! Are you okay?!" I hear someone ask. I open my eyes and see Leo. "No. He... stabbed... me." I say in between ragged breaths and the blood in my mouth. Leo's eyes widen and he motions Donnie over. "Take her to the emergency room!" He shouts. Donnie nods and carefully takes me from Caesar. That's the last thing I see before blacking out.

When I wake up, someone is holding a mask over my face, and there's a sharp pain in my stomach. I look up into the face of a handsome male doctor. "Please remain calm ma'am. Take deep breaths." He advises encouraging me to follow his breathing pattern. I do, and I find that I feel a lot less panicked. I had just been tortured a few hours ago. I look down and see bandages wrapped around my arms, and neck. The intense pain in my stomach continues and I feel tears come to my eyes. The doctor notices this. "I had to stitch the wound in your abdomen. I'll give you some pain medicine for it in a moment." He says in a calming voice, stroking my cheek with his thumb. I find the action quite soothing, and unconsciously lean my cheek into it. He smiles gently before removing the mask gently helping me sit up, keeping his hand firmly against me back. The pain in my stomach flares up and I cringe. He gives me the medicine and holds a cup of water to my lips. I swallow it down with the medications. He sets it down and helps me lie back once more. My throat feels normal again, so I think I can talk. "Thank you." I say quietly. He smiles again, flashing me his perfect teeth. "Your welcome." He says, kindness sparkling in the depths of his ocean blue eyes. He has flawless pale skin, brown hair, and is tall with a slim, but muscular body. "My name is Doctor Kuzino." He says with a polite nod. "My name is Katara. It's nice to meet you." I say smiling back. "It's nice to meet you too. You have a lot of people who want to see you. I understand if you want to rest. You've been through a lot." He says eyeing me with concern. "I'm tired, but I want them to know I'm okay so they won't be worried and restless. Just for a little bit." I say, fighting the sleep trying to overcome me. He nods and turns on his heel, his figure disappearing through the door, his long white coat flowing behind him gracefully. If you have eyes, you can't deny the fact that the man is gorgeous. Not even 5 minutes later, I hear an ocean of voices, and several pairs of footsteps stampeding up the hallway. Nora appears first, tears staining her cheeks. She runs over and stands next to me, pain filled eyes running over the bandages wrapped around parts of my body. Caesar appears after her with Raph and Swift. Of course they wouldn't let all of them come. They all look concerned. "Hey guys." I say trying not to sound as weak as I feel. They don't buy it. Caesar walks over and grabs my hand. He looks like he wants to cry. Raph looks angry, and Swift looks just as enraged as him. Nora has so much anger burning in her eyes, she could probably thaw the north pole. I reach my hand out to her and she grabs it, her rage cooling just a bit. "I'm okay guys. I'm just tired from the surgery." I say. This only concerns them more. "You had surgery?!" They all ask in unison. "He had to stitch the stab wound in my stomach." I say. "I'm fine now though. I'm on some pain medications. I need to rest though." I say, releasing their hands. They all nod and leave, except Caesar who stays behind for a moment. He pushes my hair behind my ear and plants a kiss on my forehead and then leaves. Raph wraps an arm around his shoulders and walks out with him. I close my eyes and instantly feel my consciousness slipping away.

Dr. Kuzino's POV

She appears to be doing well. She hasn't notified me of any discomfort since I gave her the medications. I care for all my patients, but Katara is special. I'd like to get to know her better, and possibly start a friendship. She's probably the first person to thank me for my services. Most people wake up and ask me what happened and if they're going to be okay. And she's also one of the first women who haven't tried to flirt with me. And she reacted innocently when I touched her. I think I could trust her. And maybe I like her.

To be continued...

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