1: Concert

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“Ana to the stage in 5” the announcer voice booms over the intercom.

“Sav, how do I look?” I ask readjusting my wig and turning to my best friend. She’s like one of those tumblr girls, well she is. She has bright red hair and paleish skin, she’s one of the girls who can actually pull off this color red and you’d think it’s her natural color.

“Yeah except you have a little bit of pink hanging out the back” I turn to the mirror, groaning tucking in the little piece of my hair. I have blonde hair with multicolored ends.

“Ana we need you to stage right” the announcer’s voice booms over the intercom again, I take one last look in the mirror and head out to stage right with Sav following close behind. Grabbing my pink and blue bedazzled microphone I head to the stage readjusting the blue and black dress.

“HELLO DUBLIN!!!” I yell into the crowd, I look out to them seeing various signs. I “Harrstasia” written on one sign, I soon remember seeing that as a trend on twitter. It’s a ship name between me and Harry Styles from One Direction. Yeah that’s not going to happen, he’s way to arrogant, so not my style.

“How are you guys doing tonight?” I yell out. “I’m going to start with My Romeo tonight”

I hear the beat startup of my latest single, as I get lost in the crowd and the song.

- -

“I love you all!!” I yell running off stage. The concert went by so fast!

“You did great Ana!” Savannah squeals attacking me in a hug.

“Thanks Sav” I say smiling. We head back to my dressing room as I kick off my strappy heels and ripping off my wig. I hate wearing this thing, but I don’t want who I really am getting out there. I’d rather make a whole new person, and practically start over.

“Hey, Sam, great job tonight” My brother Riley says walking into my dressing room.

“You’re lucky I wasn’t changing.” I say smirking. Riley and I have always been close; we are twins of course, we even share the same middle name. Riley Carter Green and Samantha Carter Green. He hates it, but I think it’s cute. I walk over and give him a hug, he’s a few inches taller than me and I’m pretty short without my heels. I’m 5’3” and he’s 5’8”. Only 5 inches, although it feels like 10 feet. He’s always making short jokes.

“Ms. Ana, we will need you for the meet and greet in 2 minutes.” My body guard knows the secret but he’s always forgetting. His name is Daniel but I call him Dannie Boy.

“Okay, Dannie Boy, I’ll be out soon.”

And once again, I slip on the wig, immediately changing who I am. I don’t have to just change physically, I have to change mentally. I have to go to a totally different mind state, not the mind state of Samantha Carter Green, but the mind set of Anastasia Marie Taylor.


Hey, guys, so this is my first fanfiction on this account. I wrote other ones before on my other count Squirt1333 which were titled Faded, and This Isn't Real. Then I also had one that was going to be released, but I deleted my account before I did it. It was titled I'm In Love With A Country Girl (ILWCG.) It was a Liam fanfic, and I might do it on this account after Under the Wig (UTW) but idk..Sorry this is kinda long. Imma introduce myself. Feel free to skip this if you don't want to listen to my random nonsense about myself:)

-I'm Summerlynn122

-I'm American so sorry if I get British terms wrong, I'll try my best though!

-I'm 14

-Directioner, Mixer, Sheerio and whatever 5SOSer's are called

-Favorite color is green:)

-Want to contact me? Message me on Wattpad or email me at datwriterchick@gmail.com

-I have no idea what else to say!

-Im usually really hyper like all the time:)

Her dress on the side.


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