29: Perfect

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My eyes flutter open as I roll over looking at the clock, 10:47. I guess sleeping in is just my thing now. I look around the room, not seeing Louis I walk into the bathroom. Once finishing there I decide to check the living room.

“Lou?” I ask no reply. He probably just went to the market, he’ll be back soon. I grab some cereal and milk and sit down in front of the television. I head back to the kitchen, putting the bowl in the sink. I hear my ringtone blasting from the counter; I reach over and grab it.

“Ello?,” I ask.

“Sam, get here as soon as you can, Louis is beating up Harry and we can’t get him to stop” Niall says. I hear faint yelling in the background

“I’ll be there as soon as I can.” I promise running to the front door grabbing my keys along the way and slipping on random slippers. I drive down the street to the boy’s house. I let myself in jogging down the familiar hallway to Harry’s room; I turn the corner the boys still trying to get Louis off Harry. Louis is on top of Harry throwing punches left and right. I can’t move, blood dripping down both of their faces from various places.

“Sam, get him to stop, you’re the only one who can!” Niall says as I walk over confidently and I grab Louis’ shoulder then pull him back with as much force as I can. Zayn takes this opportunity to hold Harry back. I turn Louis towards me.

“We’re leaving.” I say sternly and I grab his hand, not even caring about the blood that’s getting on me and lead him down the hall and out the door.

I am so mad at him right now. He just casually goes to the boys’ house and beats up Harry, Really, Louis, really?

I open the car door and slam it as he limps to the door opening it and calmly climbs in, trying to stop the bleeding from his face with his shirt.

“Listen, Sam-“He starts but I cut him off.

“No, Louis, we’ll talk about it when we get home. I don’t want to fight in the car.” I snap.


“Let’s clean your face and hands and every other freaking part of your body.” I say walking into the bathroom, him following me. The bleeding has slowed but hasn’t quit completely. I grab a dark blue almost black hand towel and get it wet. He lifts himself on the counter and I stand between his legs cleaning up the blood escaping from his nose and forehead.

“What were you doing?” I ask him while wiping up his knuckles.

“I-he-Um.” He stutters, “I needed to show him that you’re mine now and he can’t just go around saying that he wants you or kiss you.”

“You can’t just beat him up over it though!” I practically yell throwing the hand towel in the dirty laundry hamper then walk out to the living room.

“That wasn’t my intention though! In the beginning I was just going to tell him, sternly that he can’t do that then he tried punching me and I couldn’t just let him punch me, so I punched back. It was pretty early then we ran into the dresser knocking off the lamp which got the boys in his room and they tried getting me off him and I wouldn’t let them. Then you showed up and when you grabbed my shoulder I was knocked out of this daze that I had been stuck in and I finally realized what I was doing to him. I feel terrible, Sam, but I honestly think he deserved it.” He explains, “Are you mad at me?” He asks quietly almost afraid of the answer.

Am I mad at him? Not really.

Upset? Yes

Confused? Slightly.

Happy that he would fight for me? Yes

“Not as much mad as I’m confused and upset. I mean yes it’s sweet that you would beat him up for me, but there are many other ways to solve it besides practically breaking his face and I wish you had done it better, but I couldn’t be mad at you for too long, and since it only happened about 10 minutes ago, yes I am still mad. In about 30 minutes I won’t be as mad, maybe still mad but not as mad.” I explain and he nods. I walk into the bedroom looking in the mirror. I have Louis’ white shirt on that has blood randomly smeared on it, black running pants and black slippers. My cheek has a smear of blood and my hands are a bloody mess.

I head to the bathroom taking a shower, using my favorite vanilla Dove body wash and my strawberry scented shampoo and conditioner.

“Sam where are you?” I hear Louis ask as I wrap a towel around me.

“I took a shower.” I reply

“Well, hurry up because we’re going out.” He states, “Wear something pretty.” He adds. I agree and head into our bedroom looking over my closet. What do I want to wear today?

I gaze over my options, shorts, skirts, jeans. Heels, flats, tennis shoes, shirts, long sleeve shirt, tank top, halter top, cami, dress. Not to mention the colors! Goodness, why do I have so many clothes? I groan slightly

I decide on a turquoise tank top, black skinny jeans and silver gladiator sandals. For makeup, I do silver eye shadow and slightly winged eyeliner then lip gloss. I do a waterfall braid in my hair and curl the ends. I take one final look in the mirror.

I don’t recognize this girl, this girl isn’t as strong as she once was, she wasn’t as perfect as she made it seem. This girl showed she was weak and wasn’t afraid to admit it, this girl knew how to show her emotions, this girl knew the meaning of heartbreak and not only did she know the meaning but she had felt it. She knew what love was and knew how to feel love. This girl didn’t seem like me, it seemed as if I had stepped into another body entirely. As if I am no longer who I once was. It feels nice, not trying to hide anything for once.

“You ready, babe?” Louis asks as he walks into the room. I walk away from the mirror, walk away from another side of me, the side I wish I could be.

Louis reaches for my hand and I gladly accept it. I get the familiar spark as I intertwine our fingers. I look up at him smiling and he looks down planting a gentle kiss on my lips.

I can’t believe this is my boyfriend; he has to be the sweetest person on earth. I love this guy.

“What are you thinking about?” Louis asks as we step out of the apartment.

“Just how perfect you are, and how lucky I am to have you as my boyfriend.” I look down, smiling and most likely blushing.

“You’re perfect for me babe. I love you.”

“I love you too, Lou.” I giggle like a little kid at the rhyme.

“What are you laughing at?” He asks confusion flooding his face.

“It rhymed.” I laugh; he shakes his head at me.

“You’re so immature.” He winks.

“So are you.”

“And that’s why we’re perfect.”


Hey guys!

So I have more of a serious a.n. today, I talk to a few girls from Instagram who are depressed/suicidal and I just want all of you guys to know that I will GLADLY talk to you, everyday of my life. I want you guys to know I will be here to talk to. You can message me on here, or kik me at summerlynn1333 or email me at datwriterchick@gmail.com. If you need to talk to someone, I'm here and I love you guys<3

Okay, anyway I just had to say that.

So I might need to do 31 chapters. I know you guys don't care but oh well. I honestly don't know how I'm going to end this. I don't plan things out really, I mean I plan out huge plot twists but not little ones and most certainly not the ending. I just write whatever comes to mind and if I end up needing to do a sequel that's what I shall do.


Would you ever go skydiving or bungee jumping?

I personally wouldn't cause I'm scared to death of heights, but that's just me, would you guys?

I love you my pretzels!!:) xx <3

xx _DatWriterChick xx

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