27: Shopping Trip

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 “Babe, don’t leave.” Louis mutters in his sleep and he tightens his grip around my waist. Even when we weren’t dating we woke up in awkward positions. I remember one time he was laying on me. Literally, like his face was on the pillow beside me and he was just blanketing me I ended up pushing him on the floor and needless to say, he woke up on the wrong side of the floor.

“Babe, no! Don’t leave! Please!” He begs in his sleep. I feel like I need to wake him up. I glance over at the lock, 9:30.

“Louis, wake up.” I say shaking his shoulder; he doesn’t even open one eye. I decide there’s only one way. I maneuver my way to straddle him and I kiss his forehead, then his lips. When that doesn’t work I go to his neck trying to find a way to wake up. He doesn’t budge. Okay, kissing didn’t work. I move my hands to his sides and start tickling him.

“Baby, stop.” He giggles. I can’t tell if he’s awake or not, but by the strange cackling I would say he isn’t awake.

“LOUIS WAKES UP!” I yell at the top of my lungs which causes him to wake up in a fit of laughter as I’m still tickling him.

“GET OFF OF ME!” He yells laughing at me. I giggle and crawl off of him and next to him as he wraps his arms around me again. I lay my head on his bare chest. I hear his comforting heartbeat and I close my eyes again.

“Why did you wake me up?” He asks quietly.

“You were begging someone not to leave.” I say equally as quiet.

“Who was it?” He asks

“Me. I think. You called them babe.”

“Then it was you, babe.” He smiles and I look up at him kissing his lips.

“You know I wasn’t asleep for the kissing part, and it was terrible not kissing back.” He mumbles against my lips and I giggle and smile through the kiss. I give him one last peck and get up only to feel my arm being pulled back so I meet the bed once again.

“Don’t leave.” He mumbles against my head kissing me.

“I have to pee!” I groan as he removes his hands as if I have some contagious disease. I laugh and walk into the bathroom. Uggh, Mother Nature has paid me a visit. I open the cupboard; I need to go to the store. I think to myself. I finish up and head into the bedroom not seeing Louis there I head out to the kitchen to be greeted with a shirtless Louis making breakfast.

“Man am I lucky, I have the Louis Tomlinson not only making me breakfast but making me breakfast shirtless” I say as I walk into the room.

“Not to mention that that Louis Tomlinson is also your boyfriend.” He smirks and continues making food.


“Lou, you’re making breakfast more often.” I smile as I start loading the dishwasher.




“Okay, I’m not doing this. I need to go to the store so I’ll be back in a bit.” I say walking into my walk-in closet and grab a pair of boot cut jeans and UGG tan booties. Then a white tank top and an oversized vintage tribal sweater along with a large hippie style bag.

“Why are you dressed?” I ask Louis as I walk into the living room shoving my wallet in the bag.

“Well, I’m coming with you.” He states as if it’s obvious.

“Errmm…you probably shouldn’t come with.” I state as calmly as possible.

“Why cause you’re on your period?” I try to deny it while blushing. “C’mon, Sam, it’s fine. Let’s go pick up some sponges.” He says walking toward the door.

“Sponges?” I question, following him.

“Yes, you know sponges.” He says. What is he talking about?

“Huh?” I ask again.

“Tampons, Sam! Tampons!” He practically yells, business people who stay in flats next to us stare at us.

“Louis, you can’t just go around yelling such things!” I scold quietly and walk to the car door.

“Well, I can, and I did.” He smirks climbing into the passenger seat.


We pull up to a Samuel’s which is a store pretty close to us. I unbuckle and get out of the car, grabbing my purse of course. I walk around by Louis’ side and he reaches out and grabs my hand and we walk to the door.

“I’m going to go find something, I’ll be back.” Louis says kissing my forehead, then my nose, then my lips. I giggle at him.

“I’ll be in this aisle.” I say and he walks away and we go our separate ways. I step into the aisle and grab a little basket that I spot and look around on the many shelves.

Why do there have to be so many different kinds? Honestly, I can understand like 2 or three, but there has to be about 10 different brands just in this store and this is a small store! I grab a couple of different boxes and start walking to the end of the aisle.

“SAM! DID YOU FIND YOUR SPON-I MEAN TAMPONS YET?!” I hear Louis yell from what sounds like the other side of the store.

“STOP YELLING LOU!” I yell back at him. He really did just yell, in a store full of people, asking if I found my feminine products. I step out of the aisle speed walking to where I think I heard the voice from.

“HELLO SAM!!” He yells from about an aisle behind me.

“Louis, stop yelling!” I laugh while trying to sound stern. We start walking to the check out and Louis grabs a box out of my little basket.

“Totally thin. Totally fresh. Sheer sides keep this baby in place! Great for everyday to help you feel fresh and clean! Ideal for tampon back up.” Louis reads from the liner box loudly.

“Oh my god, Lou.” I groan looking down at my basket.

“You should really shove a sponge up you! It would do the same thing!” Louis comments as we approach the cash register. On the side of the wall where the gum is and stuff guess what there is?

“How much are these sponges?” Louis asks pointing to the sponges next to the gum.

“One pound.” The checkout lady says in a monotone voice.

“Well, we’ll take some of these!” He says throwing the bag of sponges on the checkout conveyer belt. “You can just shove that up ya and you’ll be good!” Louis says smiling as if he’s proud of this new idea he has. The checkout lady starts laughing like crazy. I hand the lady the money and grab my bag, groaning and walking out the store. I practically jog to the car and open it waiting for Louis to get in.

“I can’t believe you did that.” I groan and Louis just starts laughing.

“This isn’t funny.” I say attempting to hold back laughter and failing miserably.

“You love me either way, babe, you know it.” He smiles.

“I do.” I say still giggling.

“I like the sound of that.”

Yeah, I do too, Lou, I do too.

Maybe one day I will say ‘I do’ to him. I don’t know if I love him that much, but I know I love him.


Hey guise! Haha sponges xD I laughed so hard while editing this chapter! Like I kid you not. Anyway so I have bad(ish) news...I will NOT be doing a sequel. I feel bad for doing that, but I honestly don't know what I would have happen and I don't really want to drag it on. I feel like one is good enough, I'm sorry:( So there will be 30 chapters and an epilogue. :) So you will at least get a glimpse of the future:) It will probably take place in about 8-10 years.


If you had to go to any store and max out your credit card right now what store would you go to?

Haha I love you ALLL!!:) xx <3

xx _DatWriterChick xx

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