7: Cute Couple!

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“BOOOOYYYYSSS!!” Mike yells as we walk into the flat, they all come over to the door where we were standing.

“Oh hey! We’ve met you before!” Niall says, reminding me of that dreadful day.

“How did you meet?” Mike asks looking between the two of us.

“Well, Savannah, my brother Riley and I got lost and we were going to ask him for directions. But didn’t because I hate them.” I said whispering the last four words.

“I heard that!” One of them with brown hair and blue eyes says. He scoffs and turns around and begins walking away.

“Louis! Get back here!” Mike yells at him, obviously irritated.

“So why is she here?” Harry asks, rudely if you ask me.

“Well, Harry, I’m your new girlfriend.” I say putting on the best fake smile I could muster.

“I don’t need a girlfriend, but thanks anyway.” His words laced in sarcasm. Wow, he’s rude, and arrogant and probably a jerk too. Perfect.

“Well, get over it because I am your new girlfriend and I’m not too happy about it either, sweetcheeks. So you and I can both just suck it up until this is over alright?” He just rolls his eyes “Now, where can I put my things?” I say putting on the sweetest smile I could.

“Ana, you have to put it in Harry’s room, because if the pap sneak up the side of the building like it’s happened before, you need to be in his bed.”

“Wow could this get any worse?” Harry mumbled.

“I heard that.” I said shooting him a glare

“You were meant to, sweetcheeks” He says mockingly.

“Aw you two are such a cute couple!” The boy, Louis says sarcastically.

“Harry, take her things to YOUR room.” Mike says leaving the room.

Well won’t this be wonderful.


Hey guys so I'm super super sorry for this being so short, but It's just a filler chapter, I'll probably have another chapter up later if I can come up with some creativity:) Haha sorryyyy! Thank you guys so much for 25 reads guys!:) It means a lot! So I'm getting busier with school and everything, and softball season will be coming up soon so I'm going to need a certain amounts of reads before I update, just because I can't update everyday like I usually could before...So for the first bit It'll only be about 5 reads cause it's still not very popular yet. I really hate to do this but it's nesasarry:(

OH! I'm doing RFR, VFV, CFC, SFS and DFD on fanfics 5SOS and 1D ONLY! So if you don't know what that means its Read For Read, Vote For Vote, Comment For Comment, Shoutout for Shoutout, and Dedication For Dedication.

Comment below the name of your fanfic, and a link to it and if you want a RFR VFV CFC SFS DFD:) And I will do that!:) Love you my pretzels!!!



xx _DatWriterChick xx

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