2: Pizza

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“Where are we headed to next?” I ask nobody in particular.

“London!” Savannah squeals from beside me and starts fangirling over a city.

“Sav” I say trying to get her attention. “Sav!!” I yell, she pauses and looks at me “You do realize that’s where those five idiots live right?”

She glares at me, as I soon realized I ruined her fangirling moment by mentioning them. Savannah and I never liked ‘them’ also known as One Direction, they’re just retards who think they can sing, who are most likely auto-tuned and sure they’re cute, but who knows how much makeup they put on every day!

“Thanks for ruining my excitement.” Savannah grumbles, crossing her arms and starts pouting like a 5 year old. I just laugh at her expression.

“Imma go to sleep now!!” I yell heading back to my ‘sleeping quarters’ as I call them, also known as a bunk. I think my name for them is wayyy more creative but whatever.

-   -

“Sam, wake up. Sam! Saammmmmm!!!!” I hear Riley say to me while shaking my shoulder.

“Go awaaayy, Ri”

“We’re in London, Sam!” He yells. Even more reason to stay in bed, if I get out of bed I’m more likely to see those five idiot running around, causing issues with my life.

“Even more reason to stay here.” I groan rolling over.

“Fine! We’ll get pizza without you!!” He yells walking away

“WAIT NO I’LL BE READY SOON HOLD ON!!!” Pizza is my guilty pleasure. I love it so much. How can you hate pizza?

I throw on some jeans, cowboy boots, a plain white t-shirt and a sweatshirt. Carefully putting on the wig, then fixing the makeup, I’m ready in minutes. I run out the tour bus door.

Hello, London.


Sorry, guys it's really short I couldn't really think of anything to happen in this chapter, it's sorta a filler chap. something exciting might happen in the next chapter;) haha okay love you guyyss!!

and remember!





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