25: I Really Do

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I guess this proves my stupidity. I ran back into his arms, knowing I shouldn’t, and where does this put me? In this position again, crying. I can’t take this anymore. I’m running in a freaking circle with him and I’m done. I’m breaking the circle and I’m going a different way.

I turn around on my heel and begin walking to the front door, the tears fall and I don’t stop them, I don’t try to wipe them off my face and put on a fake smile. I let the tears fall, I let my eyeliner drip down my face, I let my mascara smear, I let the salty tears fill my mouth. I let it all happen.

“Oh my god, Sam are you okay?” I forget I’m wearing the wig so I rip it off. He didn’t hurt Ana, he hurt me. Samantha Carter Green, he hurt me, the real me. Not Ana. I run into Louis’ arms and let it all out. His shirt is soaked with tears and probably ruined from mascara and eyeliner, but he doesn’t care, I know he doesn’t

“Sam, will you just listen to me? Please?” I pull out of Louis’ warm embrace and face Harry.

“No, Harry, I won’t. I forgave you the first time because you were drunk, but I won’t accept this! This is the second time you’ve snogged her. Her of all people, I’m not playing your game anymore, Harry! I can’t do it anymore! And to think I actually thought you loved me, and that we had a future together. I can’t believe I was that stupid.” I finish and he looks at me with wide eyes. As if he wasn’t expecting that.

“You weren’t stupid, I was. I screwed all of this up and I know you aren’t going to come back to me this time, I’m sorry, Sam, I really am. I love you-“

“Stop saying you love me damn it! If you really loved me you would be in here kissing me and welcoming me with a hug, but instead what do you to? You are freaking in there snogging her, when you could be snogging me. I know you felt what I felt that first time we kissed but guess what? That feeling is gone now, because you decided to be a dick as usual and screw it all up!” I yell at him.

“You weren’t exactly perfect in this relationship either, Sam! You were with Louis or Zayn every time I screwed up! You went running to them every single time; you didn’t even try working it out with me!” He yells back.

“I went to them because you weren’t there for me to talk to! I felt like I could only go to them!” This has turned into a yelling match.

“Sam, c’mon,” I hear Louis say trying to pull me back.

“No, Louis! I’m going to finish this!” I yell at him turning back to Harry and walking up to him.

“You have ruined this; it was all you kissing Savannah the first time. It was you. I never cheated on you, not once! You cheated on me a total of three times! Twice with my ex best friend!” I look up into his eyes; they were filled with guilt, sadness and anger.

“Whatever, if you want to leave then do it! I’m not going to force you to stay here, because honestly you should’ve left a long time ago! You’re right I never did love you and I was screwing Savannah since we started dating! Every chance I got I would screw her, kiss her if that’s all I could get. Then one time we do it out in public and we get caught! You know if we didn’t go to the club that night we would still be dating, and I would still be cheating on you because I never loved you! Okay, that’s the truth! I never wanted to be in this relationship! All I wanted was to screw you because you were hot! I didn’t want a future! I wanted a friend with benefits and that’s what I got from Savannah!” I can’t believe he said all that to me. Since we’ve started dating? He’s been cheating on me? The whole damn time? I raise my hand and smack him hard across the cheek. His face slightly red and he looks back at me with a smirk on his face. I walk past him into the living room so I can grab my things from his room.

“Sam, wait.” I hear Savannah say. My blood boils hearing her voice.

“What do you want, bitch?” I ask turning around, “Want to rub it in my face that you, of all people, were the person my boyfriend cheated on me with? Please just rub it in more.” I say as annoyed as possible.

“I wanted to say I’m sorry.” She whispers and I turn around walking into Harry’s room grabbing my bag then walking to my closet and shoving everything I could in any bag I could find.

“Sam.” I hear Louis say from the door.

“Hey, Lou,” I say quietly, feeling the tears coming on again. He steps in shutting the door behind him. I run to him wrapping my arms around him as he rubs my back, soothing me. And I, once again, cry onto Louis.

“I hate him, Lou, so much.” I sob and he starts combing my hair.

“Me too, Sam, me too, I hate him just as much as you. I would’ve never done that to you.” He whispers into my hair, giving me a soft kiss on the top of my head.

“Thanks, Lou. I’m so lucky to have you.” I say pulling back from the hug. I smile up at him; he pulls his hand off my back and wipes my tears off my cheeks.

“Beautiful girls don’t deserve to cry, remember?” He smiles and I hug him tighter.

“I love you, Lou. You’re the only good thing that’s happened since I got here.” I whisper into his tear soaked shirt.

“I love you too, Sam, I really do.”


Hey Guise! Hope you liked this chapter:) I don't really have anything to say today...Umm this is chapter 25 and that means only 5 more chapters:( I'm going to miss you guys! Oh, it looks like I will be posting Finding Daddy the Ashton fanfic after this, because it has 2 votes and The Dreamer has 1.


Finding Daddy-FD

The Dreamer-TD

Behind the Wig-BTW

Soo anyway:


Do you ship Sarry (Sam and Harry) OR Lamantha (Sam and Louis)?

Okay I love you my Pretzels!!!:) xx <3

xx _DatWriterChick xx

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