11: 100 Reads Chapter!

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We were finally done painting and I had told Louis everything, literally everything. I cried a bit, he let out a tear or two but when he did he quickly wiped them away.

“We’ll have to wait until tomorrow to put your furniture and clothes and everything in, giving the paint time to dry.” Louis said bringing the bags back into the room setting them on top of a tarp we’d laid out so we don’t get paint on the floor.

“Alright well then I guess I’ll go somewhere.” I say walking out of the room.

“Ana, you have to sleep in Harry’s room tonight, don’t you?” I nod looking down; I’d totally forgotten about that, I just don’t want to sleep in the same bed as someone who hates me.

“I would offer for you to stay in my room, but if pictures are taken then ya know…” he trails off.

“I understand.” I say walking into the living room, seeing all the boys, including Harry, sitting there. Harry looks up at me and just stares; I look down not wanting to meet his gaze I look around the room trying to find a spot to sit. The only place open was a seat next to Harry, I guess I’ll just have to get over it and sit there. I sit down; trying to keep my distance, but it’s a freaking loveseat. There’s not anywhere else to sit but beside him. We sit there in silence before he stands up, walking into the dining room.

Maybe he’s just getting some food.

He comes back out with a chair in his hand sitting across the room from me, sitting down and continuing to watch the X-Factor.

“Am I really that bad, Harry? I’m so bad that you had to move away from me? You can’t stand to be within 5 feet from me?” I ask letting a tear slip down my cheek, he just looks over at me and smirks.

“Why do you hate me so much? What have I done to you? What makes you hate me?” I ask letting another tear slip out of my eye.

“I don’t hate you.” He says barely above a whisper. “C’mon” He says asking me to follow him. I don’t even realize what I’m doing I get up from the couch and follow him into his room.

“I don’t get what I did to make you hate me.” I whispered, holding back tears.

“I don’t hate you, Ana; I hate what management is making you do. I hate that I can’t stop it from happening, I hate that I can’t tell you not to do this because I know you’re persistent, I hate that I’m taking it out on you. I don’t hate you, Ana, I hate myself for acting like this and I don’t know who to take it out on. I’m sorry.” I looked up at him, looking into his beautiful green eyes, they were full of regret. For once, I knew he felt bad.

“And most of all, Ana” He steps closer, as lean against the wall our chests only inches apart, “I’m hate that I’m falling for you.” I look up at him in surprise as he leans in closer, pressing his forehead on mine, his hands finding my waist, it felt so natural. Like my waist was specifically made for his hands to sit there and hold me.

“I can’t do this, Harry.” I whisper as he pulls back, immediately missing his touch.

“Why?” He asks, the glint of happiness I saw in his eyes moment ago, now lost in sadness in confusion.

“Harry, you practically hated me for the time I’ve been here, I can’t get with you so fast. I’m still trying to process everything. Maybe one day, but today is not that day.” I say sadly. I looked into his eyes.

“You don’t want to do this, I can see it in your eyes, and you didn’t want to say all that.” He whispers staring into my eyes intently until I break his gaze.

“You’re right, Harry, I don’t! I don’t want to do this; I didn’t want to say any of that.”

“Then why, Ana? Why say any of it?”

“Because I’m scared of what will happen. I know this scenario all too well, I will fall but you won’t be there to catch me. Then I’ll be broken, and fall apart yet again. I know this, I will trust you with my life and you will make me fall apart inside.” I confess, looking into his eyes the whole time, I see nothing. His eyes, once a bright green, now a dark green, I broke him. And I’m not proud of it.

“Ana, I would never break you. I would never hurt you, just give me a chance? Please. I’m not that guy that the tabloids make me out to be, I’m not that guy who sleeps around, I do sleep around but if I have a girlfriend I don’t.”

“Well, you have a girlfriend.”

“I do?” He asks getting a tad bit too excited about my statement.

“Yeah, Harry, remember management’s deal? I AM your girlfriend.”

“No, you aren’t my girlfriend you’re practically a servant. A real girlfriend would let me actually date her and kiss her. You don’t let me do that.”

“I do in public.”

He walked to the bed and sat with his head in his hands, running his fingers through his hair multiple times before looking up at me.

“What can I do, Ana?”

“You can give me time to think about it, give me time to even adjust to being your fake girlfriend. You can give me time to fall for you.” He nods standing up and walking towards me before wrapping his arms around me in a friendly hug, I hugged back laying my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat, inhaling his smell. He used amazing cologne, whatever kind it was. Okay, I love him as a pillow.

“We should probably head back out there.” He whispers after a couple minutes of us just hugging.

“But, you’re comfy.” I wined.

“Fine.” He picks me up and carries me out to the living room, I don’t budge then we sit on the couch, at first I’m straddling him until I move and just rest my head on his shoulder and his arm wraps around me pulling me closer, I nuzzle my face into his chest.

Maybe the next few weeks or months won’t be so bad. I could learn to like him.


So my original plan was to post double the amount of words as my longest chapter, my longest chapter was 618 words, doubling it would make 1,236 I got close, kinda. Okay not at all close this chapter has 1,101. Anywho lot's happened in this chapter! Whoop whoop! I HAVE 25 FREAKING FOLLOWERS AND 124 FREAKING READS ON THIS FANFIC. LIKE HOLY CRAP WHAT IS AIR?!

I SCREAMED WHEN I SAW BOTH OF THOSE NUMBERS! Wow, okay, so RANDOM THING THAT HAPPENED TODAY! So for P.E. my school walks around and today we walked to a coffee shop and I didn't want coffee so I got a slurpie from the place next door. Anywho the whole walk there (which was about an hour) I walked with my crush, like it was only us walking together and ohmygosh I was so happy:) Anywho I love you my Pretzels!!:)<3 <3 xx

xx _DatWriterChick xx

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