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Chapter 9

I woke up on a uncomfortable bed. I looked up, and saw a grey ceiling.

Where am I?

I looked at my hands. Tubes ran on all around my body. Then everything came rushing back to my memory. I got hit by a car.

I screamed loud enough.

Two doctors and a nurse came rushing to me.

"It's best if you lay here". The nurse said. "Some people are here for you. "

I see my family and Shawn running up to me. I cried and cried.

"Am sorry dad." I said.

"I'm sorry my princess. I heard all that happen at school and the accident.. we're here honey. Please get well".

I looked at Shawn. A tear run down his cheek.

"Please remember me Jessica. Please " he pleaded.

"I know who you are. Shawn. How can I forget you?" I said.

He smiled and sat beside me on the bed.

"We're going to get some food. Be back" grandpa said leaving with the family.

I look at Shawn.

"It pains me to see you like this." He said.

"I'll be alright."

"The nurse said you'll be out tomorrow."

"How long have I been here?" I asked sitting up.

"Three months". He said.

"What?" I said blinking.

"You fell into a coma. " he answered.

"Oh". I said.

Tears streamed down my face.

"It'll be alright Jess. I promise. " he said holding me.

Dad and the family came in shortly after. We ate and talked. I'm so glad I'll be home tomorrow. The doctor came inside.

"I have some really important news". He said.

Everyone got nervous.

"What is it doc?" I asked nervously.

"Jessica...you Are three months pregnant."

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