chapter 2

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10 minutes later I arrived at school and got out of my car. I walked over to where my best friends sat on the benches located outside with the trees providing shade.

"Good morning bitches"

"Woah is that your car. When did you get it. It must have cost a fortune. Please don't tell me you robbed a bank" Kaylee shouted once I was near her

"Slow down tiger. And to answer you yes its my car. I got it this morning from my dad. I'm not sure how much it cost and no I did not rob a bank" I said amused at the fact that she thought I robbed a bank. "So I'm just going to head to my locker you guys want to come seeing that the first bell is going to ring in 8 minutes" I asked them seeing that our lockers were in the same row.

"Yeah let's go" they all said together and burst out laughing after realizing what just happened. We gathered our things and walked through the front doors of the school and before you ask no this is not one of the scenes in mean girls where the people will stop what they doing and stare at you. Even though we are cheerleaders and popular we are actually liked by many. Once we reached our lockers the first bell rang indicating the start of homeroom which was in the second block. Luckily we had that class together.

"Good morning class I am Mr Williams your homeroom teacher as well as your English teacher. Seeing that its the first day of school you guys can continue whatever you guys were doing" Mr Williams said walking back to his desk.

"So have you guys heard about the party tonight at Brent's place" Seth asked us

"Party on the first day of school no thanks and plus its Brent's party so I'm definitely not going" I said hoping that they would leave me be knowing that me and Brent cannot be in the same room together.

"Oh no you are going to that party whether you like it or not." Jade said

"Oh yeah and who's going to make me... You funny good luck with that" I said knowing that they can't make me go to that stupid party.

Two minutes left before the bell rings for lunch break and I seriously can't wait to get out of this class away from Jade's burning gaze she's been giving me since I told her im not going to the party. If looks could kill I would have been 6 feet under.


And that my friends is the sound of the bell ending this period of torture. I immediately gathered my things and ran out of the classroom. Taking the turn on the end of the hall I walked into a wall falling on to my butt, when did they even build a wall there?
"Watch where you going" someone yelled making everyone in the hall to stop and stare. Well that's clearly not a wall. Looking up I saw him my worst enemy Brent glaring down on me.

"If I were you I would wipe that frown off your face or else it might become a permanent frown" I said challenging him "what cat got your tongue" I said walking away from him.

"Get back here no one walks away from me" he shouted

"Well guess what I just did. So deal with it" I said a smirk taking place on my lips.

"You going to regret doing that" he said back with a smirk on his face.

Not responding I just continued my way to the cafeteria. Getting myself a burger and fries with a soda and making my way to our table in the centre of the room. When I reached our table everyone was already seated including jerk face Brent with the school slut Brittany sucking each others faces making me lose my appetite completely.

"Seriously get a room" I said sitting down next to my brother.

" what jealous much" Brittany said with a smirk on her face.

"Please jealous of you. Get a life... What are you even doing here someone please tell me what this slut is doing here" I said looking around the table at everyone trying to control their laughter. Brittany's smirk was immediately replaced with a frown but yet went in again to attack Brent's face I mean seriously people are trying to eat. Getting up I walked over to them with my soda in my hand and pouring it over their heads I just had enough and had to do something.

[Author's note.... I'll be ending it here guys please tell me what you think. This is my first book and I wrote this chapter during history period.


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