chapter 11

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As soon as we reached the arcade games we immediately went to the bumping cars and each got into one, the timer went off and we immediately started bumping into each other me and Kaylee teamed up against Chloe and Jade and let's just say we smashed it other teens soon started to join us in the mini bumping car war that we had and it was so much fun but our fun stopped as soon as the timer went off signaling our time is over and its the next groups turn.

"Where to now?", Chloe asked as we were leaving that section and just walking around randomly.

"Lets go check out the games over there", Kaylee said as she pointed towards many different machines but one in particular caught my attention and it was the fruit ninja game, where you have to slide your fingers across the screen to slice the fruit but you cannot slice the bombs or you loose a life even missing a fruit cost you a life.

2 hours later.

"Okay bitches I'm starving now and its 7:15 pm", I said as I finished my game and looked at the time on my phone.

"Wow time sure does fly when you having fun", Kaylee says as we walked out of the arcade games.

"Let's just get something to eat before we head to the clubs", Jade said pulling us towards the food courts. " What place do you guys have in mind to eat at?", she asks stopping in the middle of the food court.

"Uhm let's see how about tacos?", Chloe says with excitement while bouncing up and down like a small child.

"Okay taco bells it is", I said noticing Chloe's smile turn even brighter.

"You really are addicted to that food Clo, you've got to tone it down or else you'll look like that guy over there", Jade says pointing towards an obese guy stuffing his face with tacos.

"Hey that's rude!", Kaylee exclaims as she hits Jade's hand down to her side with a scowl on her face.

"Relax Kay I was just trying to prove my point", Jade says and turns her back to us looking forward to the guy who hasn't said anything but stare at us the whole time. "Are you going to take our order or what?", she asks tapping her foot impatiently against the floor.

"Sorry what can I get for you beautiful ladies?", he asks snapping out if his daze and looking at all of us while resting his eyes on me, I must say his one good looking boy. The girls noticed our stare off and had evil smirks on their faces.

"Well how about you stop staring at our girl over there and get us four supreme tacos with a sprite, coke and two chocolate milkshakes", Jade says smirkingly, I just turned my head and looked at the variety of groups they have sitting here.

"Take out or-", the guy could hardly finish speaking when Jade interrupted him

"Oh no we'll be eating it here", she says handing him money for the food the guy hardly even said how much the meal would cost all together.

"Uhm okay why don't you ladies have a seat over at one of the available tables or booths and I'll bring your order over as soon as its done", taco guy says smiling at Jade but I can tell its a forced one.

"Awesome", she says as she turned around towards us.

"Was it really necessary to be such a bitch to the poor guy?", I asked as soon as we turned around and walked towards an available booth.

"Yes it was did you see the way he was looking at you?, only Brent is allowed to look at you that way.", she says are you fvcken kidding me right now.

"Are you actually listening to yourself right now?", I asked as soon as we sat down. "You're the one always saying how I need to get out more and meet new guys and now that one might be interested in me you saying I can't because of Brent.", I said glaring at her.

"Ali has a point Jade", Kaylee says while Chloe nods her head in agreement.

"Whatever.", Jade huffs turning her attention to her phone probably texting Jake because she made a promise to him that she'd tell him about every single thing we doing because his not here with us to protect us, stupid twin brother of mine that I love so dearly but just want to kill.

"Here is your order", taco guy says as he places our food in front of us and our drinks in the middle seeing as we didn't specify who's taking what. "Anything else?", he asked as he turned towards Jade as if waiting on her to have a rude remark towards him, but she just huffs and starts eating her food, good girl Jade.

"No that would be all thanks", I said and he seems surprised that I spoke because its written all over his face. "My names Alanah by the way", I said smiling at him while extending my hand for him to shake.

"Oh uhm I'm Chase", he snaps out of his daze and shakes my hand in return

"My friend over here would like to say something to you", I said looking away from him and at Jade.

"What no I don't-", she starts to protest but both me and Kaylee kicks her under the booth.

"Ow what the hell was that for!", she exclaims giving both me and Kaylee a glare, but we just returned her glare with a pointed look each directed towards her.

Breathing out a deep breath she turns towards Chase. "I'm sorry for being a total bitch to you earlier but I was just trying to look out for my girl over here I promised her brother I would", she says not looking at all sincere but I suppose its better then nothing because she hates apologizing.

"Oh no I understand and totally get it", Chase says as he wipes his hands on his apron he seems nervous.

"What time does your shift end at?", Chloe asks as she joins in on the conversation, but confuses me because why would she ask that.

"Round about 9 pm. Why?", he asks mirroring my look of confusion.

"Why don't you join us we'll be heading to Clayton's night club after this?", she asks surprising all of us.

"Uhm sure why not but only if its okay with everyone else", he says looking at all of us then ending at me and staring a bit longer then usual.

"You should totally come", Kaylee says as she sips from her sprite.

"Shouldn't you be getting back to work we wouldn't want the boss firing you for chatting around now would we?", Jade says taunting him once again. Oh Jade will never stop.

"Well let me get back to work then ladies I wouldn't want to fire myself now would I", he says leaving Jade speechless

"Is it just me or did he just indirectly tell me he owns this place?", Jade asks snapping out of her thoughts and looking at us with a confused shocked and surprised face all in one.

"Nope its not just you", Kaylee says popping the p.

We all just stayed quiet and returned back to our foods. Damn this food is so good. As soon as we finished eating we gathered our dirt and threw it away. Looking back  I saw Chase mouthing 'he'll see me later' which in return I mouthed an 'okay' with a light blush on my face. As we reached the car our driver opened up the door and we all slid in saying thanks to him.

"Where to now Miss Parker?", he asked me as he got in and started the car.

"To Clayton's night club please", I said as I settled down and looked out of the window at the busy city full off people.

"Should I wait there for you Miss or will you give me a call when I should pick you and your friends up?", the driver asks me as he looks through his rare view mirror.

"I'll give you a call", I said looking back at him. I've told him so many times not to call me Miss Parker nor Miss but just Alanah but he every time refuses saying its his job to be formal in whatever he does at all times while on duty.

As we reached the club we got out and headed towards the doors which we were immediately let in because Chloe knows the bouncer which earned us a lot of grunts and protests from the people waiting in line to get in. Clayton's is apparently one of the best clubs in town and mostly rich people come here because its a high class club. High class my ass. As soon as we got inside we were led to the VIP section by one of the bouncers, as we got there I immediately stopped in my tracks.

"What the hell are you doing here?", I exclaimed not believing me eyes.

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