chapter 9

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"What did you want to talk about Brent?", I asked him as I faced him.

" I just wanted to apologise for everything", Brent said playing with his thumbs something he often does when his nervous.

"For which part now calling me a bitch or making out with Brittany?", I asked him not really giving a damn that I'm being unreasonable at the moment seeing that he was the bigger one that apologized first after two months, two months I tell you.

" Both I suppose", he says still not able to look me in my face.

"You know what Brent let's just forget about everything okay and call it a truce once and for all for our friends sake", I said sticking out my hand for him to shake.

" That's not really what I had in mind but I suppose that could also work", he says with a slight frown on his face while shaking my hand.

"What did you have in mind then?", I asked him as I turned around to finish up what I came to do in the library with Brent following behind me.

"I'm sure you wouldn't be able to keep up with what I have in mind", he says giving me a sly smirk while eying me from top to bottom.

" Keep your dirty thoughts to yourself please", I said smacking him behind his head which proved to be difficult with his height compared to mine.

"So are you excited about the spring break trip?", he asked me as we were walking out of the library. Thank god he changed the subject.

" Yeah I guess I mean its not the first time I'll be spending my precious holidays with having to see your face", I said trying to irritate him.

"Jumping into your old habits of hating me I see", he says with a hurt expression but I know his only fooling around. " I thought you loved me", he shouted getting the view students attention who was passing us in the hall.

"Oh would you shut up!", I whisper shouted because he was putting unnecessary attention on us, and its attention I do not like one bit.

"Only if you take back your words Ali", he says seriously.

" No.", I simply stated as I walked away from him just as the bell rang for our next class which I unfortunately have with him.

Walking into class I noticed we were the first to make it to class and I immediately took my seat by the window at the back, I still haven't decided how I'm going to tell Jake that I'd be moving across the country next year to attend Oxford university and not NYU with him and the rest of our friends

"What you thinking of?", Brent asked me snapping me out of my thoughts, and since when did he sit next to me in class.

" Nothing that concerns you", I said turning away from him and putting my attention on the teacher that walked in as if he was walking on a runway show


As school ended I found myself driving towards the cliff I came upon when I stormed out of the house, getting out of my car I followed the not so visible path to the cliff and just stood there admiring the view and thinking of what I am going to do.? How am I going to tell Jake?, deciding that it would be best if I post phone if for a while longer and just focus on getting through this year as well as focusing on cheer practice, I'd tell Jake when the time is right I'm sure he'd understand.
Two hours past and I was still sitting on the cliff deciding its time to head home I stood up and brushed myself off before heading back towards my car feeling a bit better, I don't know what it is about nature but it always seems to calm me down I guess its the fresh air and not the polluted air from the city.

As soon as I got home I headed towards the kitchen to make me a cheese and tomato sandwich because I was starving.

"Hey where have you been?", Jake said as he came into the kitchen with Brent, Seth and Chad following behind him.

"I just took a drive I needed to clear my mind", I said as I sat down at the kitchen counter to finish my sandwich before heading to my room to revise over some school work for the upcoming exams.

"Are you okay you haven't been yourself lately", he asked me coming to sit down next to me while the rest of the guys start raiding our kitchen I noticed Brent was discretely listening in on our conversation.

"Yeah I'm fine just stressing over the upcoming exams", I said not liking the idea of having to lie to him. " I'm just going to head up to my room to finish up on some studies", I said as I gathered my things and placed my now empty plate in the dishwasher.

As I walked out of the kitchen and towards my room, opening my door I found Jade, Kaylee and Chloe all spread over my bed watching the reruns of the secret circle.

"Where have you been, you just disappeared after school and we were suppose to go to Starbucks", Kaylee said as soon as she noticed me, guess I won't be studying tonight I thought to myself as I walked into my room.

"Sorry it slipped my mind", I said feeling guilty for forgetting we were suppose to meet up today.

" What's wrong is everything okay with you because you haven't been your normal self lately", Chloe asked as she looked up to me from her lying position on the bed.

"Yeah I'm just really tired and stressing over the upcoming exams", I said as I crawled onto the bed with them.

" Why are you even stressing you a straight A+ student?, you've got nothing to stress about. What you should be stressing about is what you going to pack for our trip this spring break", says Jade.

"Its going to be so much fun isn't it?", I said to them and they just nodded in agreement before focusing their attention back on the screen of my laptop.

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