chapter 5

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A week had past since the party my friends were pissed at me for leaving.
But I simply don't care.
I'm on my way to cheer practice now and guess what its outside on the field where we were forced to share it with the football team luckily its one of those days where we suppose to wear our sports outfits. I arrive at the field only to find my cheerleaders sitting around some even flirting with the boys on the football team.

"What do you girls think your doing sitting around doing nothing. I want you guys to do 7 laps around the field" I said getting a few grunts from them "Oh you don't like that well you'll be doing an extra 10 laps on the bleachers so get running before I add to your punishment" I said and they immediately started running.

"You know that wasn't necessary to torture them like that" Brent said from behind me

"Well what I do with my team as nothing to do with you" I said joining my team in their running just to avoid talking to jerk face Brent.

"You know you could have taken it easy on us" Kaylee said running besides me.

"Well then maybe next time you guys could actually do warm ups if I haven't arrived yet then I wouldn't have to torture you" I said running towards the bleachers. Halfway threw running down the steps of the bleachers my ankle twisted and I fell face first but luckily I was able to twist my body just in time to land on my back.

"Shit are you okay" the girls all said in unison coming towards me.

"Yeah I'm fine" I said trying to stand up only to fall back down. "Shit my ankle hurts I can't stand on it" I said tears threatening to fall at any minute.

"You need to have that checked out" Jade said coming to my side.

"I'll take her to the nurse" Brent said from behind us

"I'd rather you not take me. I'm sure Jake can take me" I said trying to stand up

"His not here, coach wanted to talk to him", he said helping me up and making sure I don't put pressure on my ankle.

"You really don't have to take me I can manage on my own" I said

"Oh really as I recall you could barely stand up" he said with a smirk on his face and leading me towards the nurses office.

"What happened to you are you okay sweety" the nurse asked as soon as we stepped foot inside.

"She was torturing her squad for not doing warm ups. So she got the punishment", Brent said barely able to keep his laughter at bay.

"You think this is funny", I snapped. Man does he always have to bring the bad out of me.

"Alright both of you calm down. Let's check that ankle of yours it looks like it can be broken" she says calmly "tell me if this hurts okay I'm going to put a bit of pressure on it" she says pressing hard onto my ankle

"That hurts please I'm begging you to stop." I screamed at her tears flowing down my eyes. Good thing I'm wearing waterproof makeup.

"Alright you need to get to the hospital immediately your ankle is broken" the nurse said handing me and Brent both passes.

"Come on I'll take you" Brent said helping me once again.

"You really don't have to you know I'm sure one of my friends will help me" I said to him

"No its no problem I'll take you. But only if you want me too though" says Brent.

"I guess I'll cope" I said jokingly getting into his car careful not to hurt myself further.

The ride to the hospital was silent neither of us willing to start the conversation. We reached the hospital and went immediately in but me of course limping like an idiot with Brent supporting me.

"We need to see a doctor please. I hurt my ankle during practice" I said kindly to the elderly lady at the reception desk.

"Sure what's your name" she kindly responded with a sincere smile on her face looking at Brent and me.

"Alanah Parker" I said

"Daughter of Alice and John Parker" she asked uncertainly.

"Yeah" I responded awkwardly.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable" she said looking down at her monitor "Dr Alan is available to see you" she said showing  Brent which way to go.

"I sent your brother a text to tell him what happened to you. His on his way" says Brent as we entered the doctors room.

"Hey I'm Dr Alan and you must be Alanah Parker" the doctor said getting up from from behind is desk.

"Yes I am. So the reason why I'm here is that I hurt my ankle during practice and our school nurse thinks it might be broken." I said sitting down on the hospital bed that's located in the corner of the room.

"Okay let's see" he said looking at my foot "I think we should have an x-ray scan it definitely is broken. You see how swollen that is." He said pointing to my foot.

"Uhm yes" I said

45 minutes later Jake comes storming in the room along with our parents.

"Omg sweety are you alright. Are you in pain" my mom says coming to my side and crushing me into a hug.

"Mom I can't breath" I said in between breaths

"Oh I'm sorry" my mom said releasing me slowly.

"How are you feeling princess" my dad said cupping my cheek.

"Seriously mom dad I'm fine I just split my ankle in two places" I said handing them the x- rays. Before my family came in Dr Alan finished putting the cast on my leg. I noticed also Jake hasn't said anything since he came.

"Hey Jakes what's wrong" I asked taking his hand in mine.

"This is all my fault I should have been there for you when you fell. I'm so sorry please forgive me Ali" Jake said with pleading eyes

"Hey there's nothing to forgive you for because you done absolutely nothing wrong, nor was it your fault okay" I said to him

"But I feel so bad" he said looking down at our hands

"Don't blame yourself" I said getting off the bed and putting the stupid crutches under my arms. I can't believe I have to walk with this for two full weeks.

"Let's just get you home" my dad said walking over to us. Brent is still here I guess his just going to hang out with Jake now. Kaylee, Jade and Chloe said they'd see me when I get home.

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