She Gotta Go

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.


Kakashi tried to revive her using his lightning chakra, but he wasn't having any luck.

"Damn it all!" He ran frantically to find Tsunami for some medical supplies. But he realized the he might need a shovel instead. He really didn't want to be the one to tell the Hokage that one of his own genin died on his watch.

Naruto and Sasuke walked in to find a dead Sakura.

Both Naruto and Sasuke cheered for joy. "I knew something good had happened! The dumb bitch is finally dead." Naruto spoke happily.

Sasuke sighed in relief. "Thank Kami! My sperm cells are finally safe."

Naruto stomped on Sakura's chest and cheered in sadistic glee. But by some strange twist of fate, she came back to life.

"...What...the...fuck...?" Naruto said in total disbelief.

"...And once again, they're in danger." Sasuke looked at Naruto calmly. "Fuck you Naruto."

"I'll just kill her ag-" Sadly Kakashi ran into the room before he could.

"What happened?! Sakura? You're okay!" He looked at her and searched for any other injuries and found none.

Sakura rubbed her chest in pain. " chest hurts..."

"What chest?" Naruto muttered. Sakura glared at him. She would have punched him if she had the strength. He only stuck his tongue at her.

Kakashi looked sheepish. "I tried to revive you with electricity, that's probably why."

"Thanks sensei." She turned to Sasuke. "Did you miss me Sasuke-kun?"

"No. Absolutely not." Sasuke said crying.

Sakura giggled, "You're cute when you play 'hard to get'."

Kakashi lifted her off the floor. "You should get some rest. You did just die recently."

"Not even death can stop my love for Sasuke-kun!"

Kakashi dragged her to an empty room to rest. Sasuke left to find some rope so he could make a noose and Naruto just stood there in shock.

"I think I'm gonna cry."

--Later that night--

Naruto snuck in the the room Sakura slept in ready to end the nuisance once and for all. He pulled out a kunai and was about to stab down when...


'Oh shit' The blond thought, but then his eyes adjusted to the darkness of the room and saw that it was Sasuke. And he had a kunai hovering over Sakura as well.

"What the hell are you doing?" Sasuke questioned.

"What am I doing? What are you doing?" Naruto retorted.

"Hn. Whatever. On the count of three. One, Two,--"

"Wait!" Naruto whispered loudly.

"Sasuke-kun...pregnant...babies...marriage..." Sakura mumbled in her sleep.

The both froze but Sasuke paled. Like to Orochimaru's color.

Sasuke screamed out a whisper, "Why did you stop me; don't you want her dead too!?"

"Yeah I do but, I was just gonna say we gotta cover her mouth so she doesn't scream."

Sasuke agreed with that logic and they covered her mouth.

"Ok. One...Two...Three!"

And they both stabbed down.

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