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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

All was peaceful within the Hidden Leaf Village. The birds were singing, the sun was shining, a boy was being chased by a mob...wait.


...Maybe I spoke too soon.

Naruto runs down the street in a panic, trying to dodge rocks, kitchen knives, kunai, shuriken and senbon thrown by the mob behind him. He usually locks the door to his house to prevent the villagers from attacking him but it always gets bust open. He knew this would happen since it always does on his birthday. Mob season. The villagers gather to hunt the "demon" and "avenge the Forth Hokage".

"What did I ever do to you?!" He cries still running.

"You killed our loved ones!"

"My daughter!"

"My wife!"

"Our beloved Hokage!"

"I never did any of that!" Naruto cries out to the crowd hoping to let the see the truth but it only angered them further.

"Stop lying monster!"

Naruto runs down an alleyway only to find a dead end. He turns to see the entire mob there with him.

"We got you now DEMON!" They all charged attacking the poor boy leaving him all battered and bloody. Being as thorough as as a mob can be they cut his Achilles tendon to stop him from running. Cuts were littered all over his body.

'Damn you all! One day I'll have my revenge!', Naruto raged in his mind.

An ANBU with a dog mask steps forward. Charging an attack in his hand he yells, "This is for my sensei. NOW DIE DEMON SCUM, RAIKIRI!"

The attack went through the stomach destroying the seal placed on Naruto.

"Shit! It's the Third! Run!" A random civilian yelled. As the mob dispersed the Third Hokage saw the body of his surrogate grandson.

"Naruto! My boy speak to me! Please don't die!" Hiruzen cried.

"Old....m-man...?" Naruto heaved. The blood poured all over the ground due to the gaping wound.

"Yes it's me Naruto! We've got to get you to a hospital quick!" The Third dashed to the hospital to save Naruto. When the got there he bust the doors demanding for a doctor.

When the doctor arrived he sneered at the bloody body of Naruto.

"Is that the-" The doctor was cut off.

"I don't have time for your bullshit! Heal him now or so help me I will kill you where you stand!"

"F-Forgive me Lord Hokage." The doctor said in fear for his life took the boy.

"Naruto...forgive this old fool." Hiruzen said sadly.

A figure in the dark grins madly and says, "The perfect opportunity arises."


It's short I know but tell me what you think so I can improve.

Raikiri-Lightning Blade

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