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"Im soo sorry! Are you OK???"

"Yeah, I'm fine, OH MY GOD ARE YOU OK!!!" I said suddenly looking at this girls finger. It looked all crooked!

"Yeah, Im fine, but I think I broke my finger..."

"Its ok, I got."

"What? No its fine," she started. I already had my wand out so, I was going to do something anyway.

"EPISKY" I said pointing my wand her her poor little finger.

"OWW!!!!! WHYY!!!" she screamed in pain. I know that this might seem wrong, but she acctualy sounded pretty funny.

"Oh yeah.. sorry.. I forgot that it hurt's like hell..." I said rubbing the back of my head.

"Yeah thanks for the warning..." She said rubbing her finger. I noticed behind her was a woman running up to us. This must have been her parent or something.

"Oh my gosh, love, are you alright?" She asked. I dont know who she was adressing, but I figured that it was the person next to me who's kinds a cluts... So I just nodded.

"Yeah, were fine. This is... uh..." Oh yeah where are my manners! I need to introduce myself like a Civilized person would.

"Sorry, Remedy Belle Mannings." I said putting out my hand for her... adult??? Gaurdian?? Thingie to shake. She acceped it. I heard the girl next to me mumble 'lovely' I looked over to her and gave her my hand to shake. Again she took it.

From what I could tell, she had never been to Hogwarts and probably never even knew about magic untill recently. She seemed very distracted by her surroundings. From what I could feel, just by shaking her hand, I could sense her enthusiasum.  As we were shaking hands, she introduced herself as Joy Felton. Then we let go.

I looked over at the bags that Joy's "Mom" dropped. I didnt see any bags for robes, books, or even a wand. Not even an animal.

"I'm Mary. Joy's aunt." The woman said. Ohh..... that makes sense... Sorta... I still need to figure this out.

"Its a pleasure to meet you." I said politely.

We all just stood there for afew seconds. I looked at Joy's aunt and I knew that she was thinking the same thig that I was; who was going to talk first.

"So, Aunt Mary, I still need my wand." Joy finally said.

"You need alot of things right now, love." Mary said.  "Why dont you go and get a wand right now. I'll look at some other things." she said while picking up the dropped bags.

"But I dont know where the shop is." she started. OH! I do!!!! PICK MEE PICK ME!!!

"I know where the wand shop is. You want Ollivanders. Its where everyone gets thier wands." I explained.

"Oh, well then Remedy, do you mind?"

"Not a problem! Come on, I'll help you." I said with a smile.

Mary gave Joy some money and we went on our way.

"So, what brings you to Diagon Alley. If you already go to Hogwarts, then what eles do you need?" she asked me.

"Well, its kinda a long story, but even if you go to Hogwarts, you'll need robe fittings, new books, and other supplies like that."

"Oh. so where are your parents?" she asked. Wow she had a huge couriosity. I hope she get's into Ravenclaw. But if not, then Lets just hope to God she gets into anyother house but Slytherin.

"Hello?" she said. Oh yeah, I was making assumptions about her.

What do I tell her? Do I tell her the truth? But I've only known her for what? Five minutes? I guess I'll just have to bend the truth.

"They, uhh... Died." I lied. Hey that ryhmed! HAHA!V THAT RYMED TOO! God I have a short attention span... Its not a lie, but it is in reality. In my eyes they died a long time ago.

"I'm sorry. My parents died too.'' she said. Well now that makes sense why she's living with her aunt.

"Sorry. When did you find out?"

"Yesterday. I thaught they died in a train crash, but in reality, they were murderd." she said. She looked like she was going to cry, I needed to change the subject.

"So what house are you hoping to be in?" I asked hoping to change the subject.

"I dont know what houses there are." she said cheering up abit.

"Well, there's Gryffindor, for more of the brave people, Slytherin, for the... how do I saiy this nicely... sly, cunning people. The theres Hufflepuff, which may sound like a pokemon, but it really isnt. Its for the loyal, nicer people. Then the last house, the one I'm in, is Ravenclaw. This house is for the smarter people. Most Ravenclaws have a huge desire to learn. Some can read people like a book." I explained. I think I spent too much time on Ravenclaw's discription... Oh well.

"Oh... But what if I don't qualify into any of the houses?" she asked.

"Oh trust me, you will. I dont know anyone who hasnt." I said, "Although, there are people who qualify for morwe then one house."

"So where is this wand shop?" she askes.

"Just close your eyes and count to three." I said with kinda a yawn.

"We turned a corner the walked abit more and went into Ollivaander's.

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