Fun, A Train Ride

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It’s the first of September, the day that I leave for Hogwarts. My parents made me go back on a schedule so my sleep is back on track. So for the first time in three months, I got a good night’s sleep. After I got my trunk ready, my parents and I apparated to the front of the train station.

"Well, deary, this is where we leave you." my mom says. She leans down and kisses my cheek.

"Okay, mom, I'll miss you." I say reassuringly.

My dad says his good bye to me and I head inside the building.

"My ticket says " nine and three quarters," but how on earth do I get there?" I carry my trunk and my owl off to the side so I'm not in anyone's way. Then I found someone who worked for the station.

"Excuse me, Sir? How do I get on to platform 9 3/4?" I asked.

"Are you daft?" he says rudely.


"There is no such thing. Why are there so many students who ask me that...." he muttered while walking away.

"Well.... Thanks anyway." I say sounding defeated.

"HEY!!!!" a loud voice called next to me. I turned around to see my best friend, Sierra. She was eleven too. Her dark brown hair was swinging around her back as she ran to me. Her bright brown eyes were huge with anticipation.

"Remedy! How was your Holiday!?"

"Oh, well, you know me, sleep and walks around the yard. How about yours?"

"Well, it was so much fun! We went to Italy, but I had no idea what they were talking about half of the time. It was fun though! Just being there was nice." she said.

"Well that’s great to hear," I say smiling, "So, do you know how to get onto the platform?"

"Oh yeah! Here, come with me." She says as she took my wrist and led me to platforms nine and ten. There was a brick wall in between.

"Oh..." I say as I inspecting the wall, "So we run into the wall?"

"Yep." she says, "Here I'll go first."

She ran up to the wall and vanished just as she made contact with the brick. I followed shortly after her.

As we walked around on the platform, I noticed my friend Alexis. Sierra spotted her first and ran up to her with appalling speed. I trailed her, only I was a tad slower.

"Hey!" I say as I hug her ferociously, "How was your holiday?"

"Oh it was alright, I guess." she says as I let go of her. She ran her fingers through her long blonde hair.

"Yay! Nice seats." Sierra said as we took our seats in the front of the train.

"Yeah, so what house do you hope to get into?" Alexis asked.

"Well, we all know that we're all getting into Slytherin, so really, I don't know why you’re asking that!"

"True, I'd hate any 'Brave' Gryfindor, everyone knows Slytherins the best." Alexis said.

"Yeah, no one needs to be loyal, Hufflepuff apparently does. What kind of a name is that anyways?"

"What about Ravenclaw?" I asked.

"Really? Who wants to hang out with book worms and nerds?" Alexis said.

"Well, you don't need to have book smarts to be a Ravenclaw. And, as for Gryffindor, you can find bravery in other places than on a battle field, as for Hufflepuff, loyalty is one of the greatest things in the world." I said.

"Okay... Thank you Martin Luther.... Anyways," Alexis said.

Seems they weren't open minded like me. Oh well. I'm preaching to the wrong crowd.


After a few hours, the train arrives at Hogwarts.

"First year's over here!" a voice bellowed at our destination.

I saw Malfoy in the crowd but I didn't say anything. I was going to make a new start. I ignored him, he ignored me. All the first years were escorted into a giant castle.

"So, this is Hogwarts? Pathetic." I heard Alexis snort behind me.

"This is amazing! Why are you so negative?" I said to her. We were taken into the grand castle and told to wait outside the great hall. Everyone looked petrified to be sorted out, but I was gleefully dying in anticipation

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