Chapter 6

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Natalie's POV
I woke up and tried to get out of Mario's grip, but he tightened his grip.
Mario: No! Don't Leave Me Natalie!
Me: Mario--
I was so confused why was he yelling. His eyes weren't opened. He was sleep talking. I shook him hard.
He didn't budge. I walked over to my cup and splashed the cold water on his face.
Mario: Natalie what was that for!!!
Me: you were sleep talking and I couldn't wake you up! I got scared!
Mario: oh.... Can I have a towel?
I went to go grab him a towel. Before I gave it to me he pulled me into a hug
Me: ew Mario your shirt is wet!!!
Mario: that's what you get for splashing water on me!
Me: that's the only way I thought of.
Mario: I could think of one more way you probably could've woke me up
Me: what?
Mario: uhm nevermind lets watch Netflix
Me: um ok
----1 hour later----
Mario: wanna go to the park?
Me: yeah sure
It was 3:00
We walked out the door and we walked all the way there hand in hand. When we got there we sat on the swings and talked.
Mario: hey do you wanna hang out tonight like a um a
Me: a date?
Mario: y-yeah
Me: I'd love to
Me: Mario what did you mean when you said you had another way I could've woken you up?
Mario: I'll show you tonight.
Mark's POV
I woke up and Jacob was on his phone looking through social media. I then her Natalie's door close then the front door open and close. I looked out the window and saw her and Mario holding hands and walking. I seriously thing that they are a couple and not telling anyone. I took a picture.... For reasons.
Me: Jacob? Don't you think Natalie and Mario are dating and aren't telling anyone?
Jacob: why do you care?
Me: because Natalie is my younger sister and I don't want her heart to be broken
Jacob: well I don't know... They sure act like it.
He sounded annoyed
Me: are you jealous?!
Jacob: WH-WHAT N-NO!
Me: okay okay dude! I believe you!
About an hour later I heard my door open. Natalie.
Natalie: yo I'm going out tonight.
Me: with who
She started blushing. OOH!
Natalie: Mario....
Natalie: y-yeah...
Natalie: so your not mad at Mario?
Me: why would I be
Natalie: well because you're sort of protective
Me: well I trust Mario and he makes you happy.
I look over at Jacob and his face is beat red and he's looking at the ground. I think that she noticed too.
Natalie: Jealous Sartorius?
Jacob: of what?
Natalie: Mario... Because you don't get to hang out with me tonight?
She smirks.
Jacob: no
Natalie: okayyyy well I'm gonna go get ready we are leaving at 5:00 and its 4:00
Natalie's POV
I got changed into (outfit above) he said cute but casual. I sprayed some perfume on myself and walked to marks room.
Me: see ya Mark!
Mark: wait I wanna see what you look like for your first date!
He came out and took a picture.
Me: ok I gotta go Mario is waiting for me. Bye Sartorius! Bye Mark!
I went downstairs and walked outside. Mario: WOAH!!😍😍😍 did it hurt when you fell from heaven?
Me: did you just call me Satan? (Because Satan fell from heaven and all that jazz)
Mario looks at me with a 'you know what I meant' look. I laugh
Me: I'm joking!
Mario: well you look beautiful
Me: thanks!
He had a two seat bike. I've always wanted to ride one of those.
Mario: I'm gonna sit in the front because I know where we are going.
Me: Kk!
I got on the back seat and we both pedaled away. He brought me to a lake and in front of it There was a picnic with flowers surrounding it. It was beautiful.
Me: Mario it's beautiful!
Mario: but it's clearly not as beautiful as you.
We sat down and ate. Then we talked for awhile. Then the sun started to set and Mario told me to follow him. He took me to a kayak and he started paddling into the water. I just stared into his eyes. He looked up at me.
Mario: isn't it beautiful
Me: yeah
I looked around.
Me: you told me you would show me a good way to wake me up next time tonight.
Mario: I will.
After a little bit we paddled back to shore and rode back to my house on the bike. We climbed on my roof and looked at the stars again.
Me: look! There are stars in the shape of a heart!
Mario: yeah
He sat up and so did I. We stared into each other's eyes and both started to lean in. Our lips connected. Sparks flew everywhere in my body. I swear I heard a camera click but we didn't break the kiss. We pulled apart and smiled at each other.
Me: you were my first kiss
Mario: you were mine
I looked down and blushed
Mario: you're cute when you blush. It's getting late I should probably go home now.
Me: ok Mario thanks for the date it was fun!
Mario: thanks for coming. I'm glad I got to have my first date mad first kiss with the most beautiful person in the world!
Me: thanks Mario bye!
After he left I just sat up there for a while taking in everything that just happened. I smiled. I climbed down through my window and into my room.
When I turned around from closing my window I saw Mark and Jacob standing there.
Me: AH!
Jacob: SIT DOWN!
Me: why?
Me: well what does a nosy pepper do?
Mark: uhmmmm
Me: if you get this right I will tell you guys.
Jacob: it gets jalapeño business
Me: DANG IT! Okay so....
I told them everything except the kiss.
Mark: anything else
Me: n-no
Mark holds up a picture on his phone of me and Mario kissing.
Mark: then what's this?
Me: you were spying on me?!!!
Mark: well I kinda ship you two and please don't get mad
Me: I'm not mad. I'm just tired goodnight!

My Brothers Best Friend a Jacob Sartorius, Mario Selman Mark Thomas FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now