Chapter 21

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(A/n: last chapter and there's no sequel😔😄)

Natalie's POV
I saw Jonas. Oh gosh he looked hurt and mad I'm totally done for. He didn't say anything he just ran. I got up and ran after him and when I found him. He was at his doorstep crying.

Me: Jonas?
Jonas: I'm sorry I shouldn't have acted like that
Me: why did you act like that?
Jonas: I kinda like you I thought I made it pretty clear.
Me: oh I'm sorry Jonas

He walked inside of his house and Jacob found me and took me back to his house.

We went to his room and he set me down on his bed. We decided to watch vampire diaries (again) I think he likes it. I smile at him slightly and he pecks my lips.

I laid my head on his chest and about two hours later, sleep took over me. When I woke up the show was still playing but it was 11:00 I look over and see Jacob sleeping.

I'm wide awake so I just decided to skip back to the episode I fell asleep on and continue watching. After a few episodes Jacob stirred and his eyes opened.

When he saw me in his arms he smiled. I smiled back at him and he hugged me really tight. I hugged back and he grabbed the remote and paused it.

Me: heyyyyy!
Jacob: I wanna take you somewhere
Me: k let me get dressed into something more presentable
Jacob: k fine

I went to my closet and changed into (pic in media) and then brushed my hair and did a side braid. I walked out and saw Jacob smirk

Me: what?
Jacob: now that's what you call style
Me: oh really?
Jacob: those tights fit real nice on you

He said while eying my body up and down

Me: Jacob stop being a pervert and get up
Jacob: ugh ok let's go.

I giggled and he grabbed my hand and dragged me out the door. We walked for a little ways until he turned into the woods near our house

Me: uh Jacob--?
Jacob: trust me... I know where I'm going
Me: ok....

He kept leading me deeper into the forest until I saw an opening. It was a huge clear space with a lot of flowers and a really pretty pond.

I smiled at him and he told me I could explore. I went around and looked in the pond and saw fish swimming through the clear water. I went to the flowers and picked a few and put them in my braid.

When I came back Jacob was smiling. He took my hands in his and kissed me passionately. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck

Soon I pulled away and he smiled.

Jacob: Natalie Thomas would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend
Me: of course!

I said while jumping into his arms. We hugged for a while and then we pulled apart and smiled at each other. We went to his house and he said I could spend the night so I did.


I woke up and changed into some denim shorts and a t shirt. I brushed my hair and left it down. I got a text from Jacob.

Bae😍❤️: mall?
Me: of course. I'm ready whenever you are just swing by and get me
Bae😍❤️: k babe see ya soon.
Me: k

I put on a little bit of mascara and ate an orange then brushed my teeth. I heard a knock on the door and told my mom Jacob was taking me out tonight. She said for me to be safe and all that parental jazz.

Once I got free from her I went outside to see Jacob standing there waiting for me. I smiled and he kissed my cheek.

Jacob: shall we?

He said while holding out his arm

Me: we shall

I said while linking them together. We went around the mall and Jacob went off to do something so I stood there.

I accidentally dropped one of my bags so I bent down to grab it but I felt someone slap my butt. I whip my head around and saw a kinda cute looking guy but he was totally an fboy. (Pic Below)

I glared at him

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I glared at him.

Me: what was that?
Jason: my names Jason
Me: and you don't need to know mine what was that?
Jason: I smacked your butt so what?
Me: so what?! Girls need to be treated with respect and be treated just as guys are treated. Gosh people need to treat women way better and you're definitely not helping the situation. I suggest you leave before my boyfriend comes and knocks your lights out "Jason"

I said the last part in a mocking tone

Jason: your boyfriend is probably as scrawny as a cockroach.

At that second Jacob punched him in the face. Jason stumbled back then glared at us then walked away. I smiled and hugged Jacob

Me: thanks Jacob
Jacob: no problem.

We got back home and watched Netflix.

--8 Years Later--
Priest: I now pronounce you man and wife you may now kiss the bride

Jacob pulled me in and kissed me and when we separated everyone was clapping. Jacob jumped around happily and I giggled.

I am glad I married the right man to grow old with and die together with. I smiled mentally.

--10 Years Later--
Me and Jacob woke up to our little 9 year old girl, Sammy,  jumping on our bed. It was Christmas. We all went and opened presents then went to marks house.

After marks house we went to a Christmas parade and then went home. We tucked Sammy into bed and she fell asleep.

When we got back to our room I looked at Jacob and smiled. He smiled and pecked my lips.

I'm so lucky to have him, I'm so lucky I met him, I'm so lucky I still don't hate him, I'm so lucky we made up.

I guess you could say he's.

My Brother's Best Friend.

The End!!!!!

Words= 1,030 hope you enjoyed the book I'm tired so goodnight I love you all and thanks for all the support!

My Brothers Best Friend a Jacob Sartorius, Mario Selman Mark Thomas FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now