Now what?

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Harry's POV:

I was mad at myself for not asking her on a date or for even inviting Zayn. I know that it selfish of me but I seriously am mad at myself.

Now what? I have to see her having fun with Zayn now? I really don't want to be here right now. Knowing that Zayn only wants to get into her pants. Knowing that, makes me want to go up to him and kick his arse! But I can't do that to my mate and I can't do that to Adriana. I can't just got up to them and do that. I can't be pointing fingers because I really don't know what his attentions are towards her. I just really hope he treats her right if he wants to be more than friends with her. I guess this is a sign for me that she and I aren't meant for each other at this point in life.

I sighed and got up to take some shots.

Normal POV:

So everyone had fun except for Harry. Harry was getting langered. Niall and Yvonne decided to take him home while everyone else went their separete ways. Adriana got a ride from Zayn and Zayn kissed her good night. What you don't know is, Zayn had asked Adriana out on a date in front of Harry before he was completely langered. Harry was mad but tried not to show it. He was totally heartbroken. Niall and Yvonne knew it. Yvonne noticed how much Harry cared for Adriana and how much it hurt him to see Adriana having fun with Zayn,

Adriana's POV:

Zayn asked me out on a date and he kissed me. Harry made my birthday truly an amazing one. Everyone was great to tonight. I wish Harry could of been the one to ask me out on a date but I guess he just not into me. All the signs I thought of him liking me were misleading I guess. Oh well. I am happy that tonight came out to be perfect.

Harry's POV:

I finally sobered up and I am all alone. My heart is hurting. I have always been the nice guy and I always end up getting hurt. I am silly for thinking I could have a chance with her. I guess I have to move on and except that we will only be best friends. I take my notebook out and start writing my feelings out

Love, Cheat and Maybe Friend Zone?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora