Good Morning

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Adriana's POV:

I was dreaming of Harry. Of Harry. And it was weird. I heard a buzzy sound and realized that my phone was ringing. I get up and out of my bed quickly trying to get to my phone. Once I get it I answer quickly.

*answers phone*


"Good morning, love. How are you?"

"Good morning Harry. Good and you?"

"Ehh I am a'right. Want some breakfast?"

"Sure. Where do you want to go?"

"Your place. I am coming over with food."

"Okay then. I'll leave the door unlock. I am going to take a shower. See you in a bit bestie!"

"Okay bye."

*hangs up*

Harry is coming over soon. I need to take a shower quickly. I quickly ran into my bathroom and get into the shower.

I am ready and now walking down my stairs. I smell something good coming from my kitchen and I hear Harry singing as well. He has such an amazing voice. I really do love his voice so much. It's so lovely.

Harry's POV:

I pull up to Adriana's flat and walk up to her door. I open the door and lock it once inside. I put the bags I had onto her countertops in her kitchen. I start taking out vegetables, and chopping them up. I start cracking eggs into a bowl and mix them. I then start cooking bacon and beans. I cut up some fruit and put them into a bowl. I cut up some slices of serrano ham. Open up a bottle of wine and grab some glasses from Adriana's cupboard. I was singing Satisfaction by the Rolling Stones.

Adriana then walks into her kitchen and say hi. I smile at her and ask her what does she want in her omlete and she says potatoes, ham, and peppers. Once I was done with her omlete and mine. I put them on plates and place them on her island. She was sitting on a stool. I hand her her a glass of wine and a fork.

We ate and talked. I asked how the rest of her date went with Zayn. And she seemed extremely happy when she was telling me all about last night. I really want to be happy for her. I really do, but it hurts me when I know that I just don't have a small crush her. But I actually like her more than just a best friend. But since I am her best friend and that is all I ever will be. I decide that I need to except the fact that her and Zayn fancy each other. So I will push my feelings I have for her aside and be happy for her. Not for Zayn. Sure Zayn's my best mate but Adriana's is my best friend and I genuinely care for her a lot. I care about Zayn too but not in that way. Either way I will be happy with whatever she wants. If she wants to be him then I will try to be happy for her. I will push my feelings aside.

An hour has passed by and we're watching a movie when her doorbell rang. She got up to answer it.

Yvonne and Niall walked in. Both smiling from ear to ear. We all started watching Avengers when the girls decided to leave in the middle of movie and went upstairs. Leaving Niall and I alone. Niall soon got up and sat next to me.
(Niall: italic/ Harry: bold)

"So how was the whole awkward double date?"


"I can imagine."


"Were you mad?"

"At first, yeah. But I am over it now."

"Why at first?"

"Well yesterday morning Adriana came to my house. I honestly thought that she probably wanted to hang out but then came in Zayn and Lucy, the girl who was my date. They just expected me to go on this date without letting me know first. They pretty much forced me into it. I had no choice, I couldn't just say no infront of my "date" and be rude. I especially couldn't say no to Adriana. I seriously thought she just wanted to hang out with me, but I wrong and that hurt. But I am okay now and I am over it and over her?"

"Woah. I think I would be mad too if I were you. Wow. So you are over her now?"

I nod my head.

"Why? Why so quickly? You were just so into her like two days ago?"

"I am not exactly over her but I am trying to move on. I just want her to be happy and if her being with Zayn makes her happy then so be it. I will get over her. Eventually. We probably weren't meant to be together anyways."

"Whatever you say bro. So was your date hot?"

"She was pretty but she's not my type and she was not interesting at all"

"Oh. Boring so?"


Niall and I watched the rest of the movie until the girls came up down and we all decided to go my house and swim since it was a nice day out.

Love, Cheat and Maybe Friend Zone?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora