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Young famous prodigy painter, Grayson Dolan was running out of ideas. Creativity slowly slipping away. He had nothing that drew him into painting.

Everything has been done. Nothing was the same. He wanted to be the genius artist he knew he was, yet no indulging thought ever crossed his mind.

The young boy walked along the dark streets of Orlando, Florida. Searching for a small diner to binge at.

A retro looking one came into sight.

Mel's Diner.

Grayson was receiving the right vibes about this. Something about this retro looking diner, caused the corners of his mouth to tug into a smile.

He hurried over to the doors and rugged them open.

A strong scent of hamburgers hit his nostrils. Making him crave the food even more.

"Hello sir! What can I get for you today? Only one?" A peppy woman asked him.

"Yes please." He politely responded.

The red haired lady guided him into a booth next to a window in the diner.

"Here you are sir!"

"Thank you."

"What kind of drink can I start you off with today?" She pulled out a note pad, along with a pen.

"Just a coke." He declared. She nodded her head and left the boy alone with his thoughts.

Not having any inspiration was driving him wild. He needed to paint. He needed to feel the relieving pain. It was his passion.

Yet nothing was striking him.

A loud laugh from across the diner caught his attention. His eyes flicked over to a table with two young looking girls.

His dark eyes attach to the young girl with the bright smile on her face.

Her pale skin matching her wispy brown locks.

Chocolate orbs glowing in the light.

Her angelic voice soothing and calming his soul.

Her small looking figure causing his breathe to hitch when his lips slightly parted.

He blinked once more to make sure this was real.

His breathing paced up. His rapid heart causing him to nearly fall from his seat.
His stomach began to flutter as that same smile appeared on her face once again.

His eyes widened.

I know what to paint.

* * * *

Hey hoes!

So I got a new idea for a fanfic! And I will try to do the twenty days of  updates since summer just started aye.
Really excited for this one.
Don't forget to vote and comment throughout the story!
Love you as always
- b

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