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"You look hot." She exclaimed.

I laughed "You too Lil!"

I looked in the mirror to see myself in a mix and match bathing suit. White bottoms and a baby pink bikini top.

As for Lillian, she was wearing her sexy one piece with tie ups over her massive cleavage. As for me, I was a b cup, so I didn't have much to offer but, I wasn't bothered by it.

"Let's head out." I said while removing my dark hair from my pony tail.

"Let's do it." She smirked.

We grabbed our phones and slipped our cover ups on.

"Wait." Lillian started. "What if we see those crazy people again." She said referring to the crowd outside of the school.

"We won't." I said while putting on sunglasses.

A smirk grew on her face as she opened to door for me.

I walked out and down the stairs, Lillian followed.

I opened her car door and let myself in the passenger seat.

She got in the drivers seat and put the car in ignition.

* * * *

Within fifteen minutes, we arrived at a huge house that belonged to a senior named mike, one of my older brothers friends.

We walked through the side gate and into the large backyard, the pool filling up not even a quarter of the massive backyard. This backyard even had a large flat screen tv hooked up to the large white picket fence. About 60 inches.

We set our stuff down and removed our cover ups.

I dipped my legs in the pool.

A large splash erupted in front of me. The person reached the surface to discover that it was one of my brothers, Daniel.

"Hey Dan."

"Sup Av." He says before swimming to a group of girls in awe.

"Your brother is so hot Av." Lillian gushes.

My dark eyes roll. "Oh come on, he's a complete fuckboy."

"Not really." She defends. My eyes roll once again.

"AV, LIL." One of our friends Dylan shouts.

"Aye Lil, here comes your boyfriend." I smirk.

"Shut up Av, we aren't dating!" She quickly hushed me. Yet my lips, still pursed into an evil smile.

He began walked towards us, his soaking body dropping water.

"Be cool!" She panicked. I laughed once again.

"Hey guys." He smiled while standing behind us.

"Sup." I pretended to be cool.

"So did you guys just get here?" He asked.


"Then how are your bodies soaked with water."

We both flashed him a confused look before he used both hands and full force to push us into my huge pool.

I swam up to the top and began to tread water.

"You're such an asshole." I chuckled.

"GUYS! EVERYONE LOOK." Someone pointed to the tv.

I was confused as it was just the news channel.

"Local girl from the Dolan painting has been spotted. She was located outside of Everwood High School."

The news reporter spoke clearly into her microphone at her desk. A picture of the comparison popped up on the screen of me and the painting once again.

"THATS HER!" An older boy pointed at me.

"What's her name?" Another girl asked.


"No, there was a mistake!" I defended.

"No that's you." My brother Daniel sneered.

"Really Dan?"

A huge crowd of teenagers pooled around me. Girls asking me how I know the ever so "attractive" Grayson Dolan.
Boys asking me how good of a fuck he was.

"I don't know him!" I shouted.

"Let's get out of her Av." Lillian pulled me out of the pool.

The teenagers began to chase me out. Yet lucky enough for me, we were able to escape the apocalypse.

We jumped into the Range Rover and drove as quickly as she could back to her house.

We ran inside Lillian's home, our breathing unsteady.

"We need to find this Dolan guy. Now."

* * *

Hey guys!
Day 5/20 updates !
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Love you all & keep reading

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