25 0 0

"wake up, we are at your house." my eyes open as i see him standing over my seat.
i stretch and see the comfort of my own home in front of me.

he didn't kidnap me. nice.

i step out of the car and walk to the front door. grayson behind me.

hmm, the police men were gone. i guess they are off the clock.

i lift up the pot of flowers on the porch and find the spare key. i insert it in the key hole and open the door.

"goodnight avana. i'm glad you are home safe." he half smiles.

i look back but don't say anything. i then shove in a quick "mhm" before walking in.

i heard a sigh before the door shut.

i pull out my phone and check the time


what the hell its early.

i have no texts from lillian, just one from my brother asking if i was alright.

"daniel i'm home" i yell. i hear an "okay" come from upstairs.

i text lillian a million times getting angry with her. she has my damn keys and didn't think to text me.

i run upstairs and walk into my room. i change into pink silk pj shorts and a white bralette. i quickly get into bed and scroll through my phone. i found nothing important.

i stair at kian's contact in my phone. god his smile is amazing. i want to text him but i don't. i can't be seen as annoying. i think i might have a chance with him.

i put on an episode of hannah montana and watched it until i fell asleep.

i woke up to the sitcom laughter in front of me. hannah montana was still playing? wow oops.
i reach for my glasses on my nightstand and pop them on my face. i also reach for my phone.

i put in my password and watch as it unlocks.

4 messages


omg i'm so sorry av

i met this guy and we went home with him

i have your keys to that guy kian who owned the house. you seemed to hit it off with him so i thought it would be fine.


hey avana. did you get home okay? i have your keys. wanna meet somewhere so i can give them to you?

my heart started to beat rapidly. kian texted me first. i know it was about the keys but.... ahhh he's just something.

"yo" i hear daniel knock on my door.

"yeah, come in" i say. he opens the door and leans on the doorframe.

"how did you get home last night? your car isn't here" he asked, still leaning.

"oh i had a friend take me home." i lie through my teeth.



"then who?" his eyebrows raised concerned. "did you meat a guy?" his hands start to form fists.

"no dan, relax. just my friend julia, no she didn't drink anything." i say. his fists and eyebrows relax.

"okay good. but where is your car?"

"still at the house, lillian has my keys. she gave them to the guy who owns the house. i know him don't worry." i say.

"okay. how do you expect to get the keys and car?"

"we are meeting somewhere. he said he would bring them." i say before beginning to get out of bed.

"okay. let me know when you get the car. see you later." he said before disappearing from my doorframe.

i quickly grab my phone and begin typing

to: kian

sure that would be great. is Mel's diner okay? it's within walking distance of my house.

scared and anxious for his reply, i begin to make my way to my bathroom.

i brush my teeth, comb my hair and place the messy curl-ish waves into a low pony tail, pulling out some of the pieces in front so i don't look bald.

i hear my phone receive a text. i quickly jog over to it and see kians name pop up.


yeah that's cool. meet there in 30 minutes?

i reply with a quick "yes" and continue to get ready

i then wash my face and apply a fresh coat of mascara.

i walk back into my room and open my walk in closet doors.

"what to wear" i mumble to myself.

i finally settle on fitted long sleeve white shirt with a pair of dark wash boyfriend jeans.

i slip on my tommy hilfiger sneakers, grab my phone and make my way down the stairs.

"i'll be back soon" i shout before opening the door and exiting the building.

i begin to make my way up the side walk as i start making my way to the diner.

i see him leaning against my black car. "hey" he smiles.

he had on a blue jean jacket, white t shirt and black pants, no hat this time.

ugh why is he so attractive

"hey" i smile back.

"i believe these belong to you." he hands them over to me.

i giggle. "thanks kian." "hop in, i can give you a ride home."

"thanks but i'm meeting an old friend here." he says, looking out into the road.

a girl? my blood begins to boil.

"oh, that's alright." i say as i unlock my car door. i step in and say my last goodbye.

"wait avana!" kian says outside my door.

i roll down my window. "text me?" he questions. i nod my head and feel the corner of my lips tugging into a smile.

"and" he catches my attention again. "i'm not meeting up with a girl." he winks before leaving my presence.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2017 ⏰

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