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He dashed out of the diner. He needed to do this now.

His feet sped to his nearby large home.

For the first time in months, inspiration has hit the young prodigy.

His home became within sight in minutes as he rain up the large stairs and pulling out his keys.

He inserted the key in the hole and twisted it, not caring if he was disrupting anyone's slumber.

His supersonic speed leading him up the stairs and into a white room with a window as a large wall.
He accelerated to his desk and dug through numerous sheets of sketches and rough drafts to find his one treasure, his sketch book.

He flipped to a whole new page and let his hand guild him.

* * * *
He dropped his pencil to let his hand rest. He turned his head to read the clock.

4:36 a.m

He shrugged his shoulders. It was the beginning of may, he doesn't attended school anyways since he has graduated his sophomore year.

He looked back down at his work, proud of it.

"This was it. This was the next big thing."

He placed his sketch book down on the desk and removed his shirt.

He slipped of his pants and glided on a pair of grey sweat pants.

He un maid the queen sized black bed and stuck both legs in.

He laid there for a few minutes before letting darkness take over him.


"My mom is going to kill me." I chuckled.

"Mine too." Lillian replied.

"Well that's what's summer is about, taking risks." She added.

"Yeah, I guess."

"It's almost twelve in the morning. Mel's diner will have our stomachs killed in the morning."

"You worry to much." Lillian took her hand and guided her into the diner.

"Woah, look at him." Lillian changed the topic.

She used her head to motion who she was talking about.


I was speechless. He was such a gorgeous human being. Dark hair and dark eyes.

"You seem to be into him." Lillian laughed.

I didn't break my stare.

"Jeez, take your eyes off of him, or he will suspect."

I quickly flickered her eyes back to her French fries.

I shoved a fry into my mouth, knowing I'd admire the way it tastes.

"Damn, I wonder if you shove his dick in your mouth like the way you did with that fry."

A loud giggles was released from my lips.

A loud noise was set from across the diner. It was the boy. He dashed out of the restaurant.

"Maybe he's running back to his place to prepare for you to fuck." She smirked.

"Shut up." I laughed.

* * *

"We should get going." I spoke.

"We should."

"Alright. I'll see you tomorrow." I gave her a friendly hug, feeling her chin dig into my blue jean jacket.

"Okay, see you tomorrow at seven!"

"Bye Lillian."

"Bye Avana."

* * * *
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