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still astonished, i had no idea what to do. this man, painted me. was i used for fame? or has he actually seen this so called "inner beauty".

no. this man is psycho.

"that still gives you no right to paint me sir. you are psychotic. you need help." i begin to stand up.

"Lillian lets go, we're getting the hell out of this loony bin." i grab her arm and begin to pull her out of the huge house.

"no! ms. avana! please stay! we can work this out!" the painter pleads.

i ignore his desperation and continue my way to the car.

"av don't you think you are being a bit over dramatic?" i hear lillian standing outside the car.
"no. get in this damn car before i drive off myself." lillian quickly responds by shoving herself in the car. i place the key into ignition and speed off in fear.

this man seemed scary. but, an attractive scary.

like bill skarsgård. scary as hell but, very attractive.

i focus on the road as we swivel and swerve our way back to my house. i did not want to have any encounters with the reporters. come to think of it, why were they around my house but not around mr, dolans? whatever.

we soon turn onto my street and i see the flood of reporters at my porch waiting. as i drive closer to my house and driveway as i see my brother daniel being interviewed.

"here she is now! it's the star, ms. avana!" a blonde haired lady holding a camera and notepad shouted, leading a crowd of people like her to the vehicle.

"you have got to be kidding me!" i yell in frustration as i bang my head against the steering wheel.

"okay how about this." lillian starts. i loft my head from the wheel and pay attention.

"on three, we will run out of the car and into the house."

her plan is not the most thoughtful one but, it appears to be the only one available right now.

i nod my head in response. "one"


"three". as i say the last number, we each run out dodging several reporters and interviewers.  lillian shoves many off of me.

"AVANA WHAT IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH MR. DOLAN?" one man asked while shoving a microphone in my face. i ignore and proceed my run.

"HOW DO YOU FEEL THAT MR. DOLAN CHOSE YOU TO BE THE WOMAN HE PAINTED?" another microphone gets shoved into my face. i remain speechless.

"you guys need to back off of her!" lillian defends and she pulls me through the crowd.

we have finically reaches our final destination and i couldn't be happier.

"that- was something." i said in between breaths.

"av you are really famous now. what are we going to do. they know where you live!" lillian points out the obvious.

"yes. i know, i know." i frown.

"maybe you should talk to-" i cut her off.


speaking to him is the last thing i want and need right now. he's already an obsessed creepy man. or should i say, boy. he has nothing better to do with his life than to paint a random person that he sees at a diner.

"av! come on." lillian continues to push my button to get her way. "

"it's not happening." i state.

"fine. let's talk about something else....." she says.

the room is silent for a few moments.

"you know, there's actually a party tonight..."

"really lil?!" i shout.

after all that she has the nerve to ask me if i want to go to a damn party?

"i'm sorry! we always go to parties together av. this one is more low key so we won't run into any annoying dolan drama."

i sigh. i honestly don't know what to do. part of me wants to stay home and safe but the other half of me wants to go out and have some fun with my best friend.

"fine. let's just go-" her cheering cuts me off.

"but i-" i was cut off again by daniel slamming the door shut.

"AV, THOSE PEOPLE ARE NUTS." he screams.

"yes, i'm aware."

"what the hell did you do?" he asked me.

"long story. just call the cops and get these lunatics off of my lawn!" i shout back.

"don't have to tell me twice." he walks towards the phone.

i feel a hand grab my wrist. "LETS GO PICK AN OUTFIT!" lillian shouts.

god i hope she's right about no dolan drama tonight.

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