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"I'll get my laptop!" Lillian quickly spoke before disappearing up the stairs.

Was it possible? Was I this girl in the painting? It sounds delusional but, with the events that occurred earlier today, I would say anything is possible in the moment.

The loud noise of an elephant running down the stairs filled the silence, invading my thoughts.
"Here!" She set it down on the counter as she googled a picture of the painting.

We watched numerous interviews, read several articles and compared hundreds of times.

There was no physical proof that it was me. But the girl in the photo looked exactly like me.

"JACKPOT!" Lillian shouted. "What?!" I snapped.

"This may be his address." A smirked grew on her face. "Don't be ridiculous Lil. He's famous. There is no way his correct address would be online."

"We will just have to find out." She swayed her car keys in he hand.

"Fine, whatever."

I ran upstairs to her room and quickly changed into black leggings and a over sized red sweatshirt.

I slid on my white Air Force 1's and followed her down the stairs and out to her car.

I was filled with rage and curiosity. I wanted to yell at him for using my face for his picture and yet, I wanted to know why he would use just an ordinary girl like me.

"Av hurry your ass up!" Lillian chimed.  I rolled my eyes in response followed by a hurry in my actions.

We charged into the car. I plugged my phone into the aux cord and began to play some drake.

"Babyyyyyy, I like your styleeeeee"

Lillian tries to hide her smile as I sing and dance like an idiot.

His house wasn't too far. Maybe three blocks away.

"That's a massive house" I gawked.


The beautiful sun beaming down on my red sweater was making me heated. I walked towards the door and gave it a quick knock.

There was no response.

"Why would he even be home Avana? He's probably doing some interview."

I raise my fist to knock again when the door opened in front of it.

There he was. Standing before my eyes. I've never been more annoyed and in awe.

He was beautiful. Dark brown hair slicked up, deep chocolate eyes, a chiselled jaw line.

I snapped out of my treacherous daydream and back to reality.

His eyes snapped open while his eyebrows raised. He inhaled a deep breathe before shutting the door in my face.

"Wow, he's a gentleman" Lillian spoke with sarcasm.

I gave her the cut eye before opening my mouth to speak.

"Did that just happen?"

"He's such a nice person!" Lillian continued with her sarcastic tone. "That's enough Lil" I responded.

The door opened slowly. "H-hello" he spoke in such a deep tone.

"Uh hi, I have a problem with your newest painting Mr.- uh whatever your name is." I said with attitude.

"Um I." he stumbled on his words. "I uh." "I can explain, just please come in." He opened the door wider and gestured for us to come in.

"I think I'll pass." I said harshly.

"Please, I need to explain." He pleaded.

"Av just go." Lillian said.

I walked into the gigantic house. This was his? He lived here? Why is he living in such a big house. I get that he is a rich artist but, this is a little extreme.

"Ever since I saw you that night, you've been stuck in my head, couldn't get you out. Everyone was pressuring me to paint something new. I had painters block. I haven't painted anything in a little under a year. I was constantly looking for inspiration. Up, down, left and right. Forcing inspiration upon myself. Yet, still nothing. Ever since I saw you in that Diner, the painters block washed away. Your hair fell perfectly passed your shoulders and down your body. A curly mess yet, a perfect mess. I could see the baby blue eyes from across the building. The glowing smile, the luscious lips, the perfect silhouette. The perfect time to be out, late. I saw nothing but a floral goddess. A woman of blossom and rebirth. Beauty and grace. Yet, had a badass side. A side in which she was a daredevil. A mind of her own. Adventurous and a rebel. Yet still holding the element of beauty. You inspired me."

I stood there with my jaw hanging out of my mouth. "But you don't even know my name, I barely know yours." I proclaimed.

"That can change, sweetheart"

his muse- g.d Where stories live. Discover now