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"this one!" lillian said while pointing to a wine red body-con dress.

i peered over at her and narrowed my eyes.
"i don't wear dresses."

her eyes rolled back, hopefully she can find her brain back there.

"besides, all parties in our area are always casual. you know this" i proclaim.

"okay but, it's fun dressing up." she frowns.

"we can dress up another time. let's just find cute casual outfits to wear." i smile.

she smiles back and nods her head.

we rummage through my closet. trying things on and off, creating a massive mess for the cleaning lady.

i settle on a white gucci t shirt, a black belt, followed by distressed denim shorts and white slip on vans.

lillian decides to wear my lavender tube top with darker wash boyfriend jeans and my white classic yeezys.

lord jesus i swear to god if she gets those dirty....

i snap out of my thoughts by burning myself with a curling iron.
"SHIT" i scream. my best friend laughs as she puts her hair in a ponytail, pulling out her straight front pieces.

" why are you wearing a t shirt, you have such a beautiful body and you are choosing to hide it?" she starts.

"no, i just like to be comfy. i'm not impressing anyone!" i say.

"we are going to a party and you are single. change." she demands.

i frown and obey, rummaging through my closet again.

"how about this!"

lillian pulls out a peach and white striped tank top with buttons down the middle.

"this would look sooo nice on you av." i trust her word and quickly change into it.

"see? so much more flattering. who knows, you might have a nice hookup there." she smirks.

i laugh. "probably not. i normally just drink and dance with everyone. never hook up."

"that's never the case for me." lillian giggles.

"we should get going, the party started a half hour ago so we can leave now." i nod my head to her statement and grab my phone.

we both make our way down the glass staircase and into the living room.

"bye dan!" i shout before grabbing my keys.

"bye" he shouts back.

i open the front door to see two policemen standing on our front lawn.

"officer?" i speak up.

"yes, avana right?" i nod.

"we are here to make sure no reporters bother you." i quickly thank them and make my way to the car."

"i wanna drive!" i don't argue with my best friend and toss her the keys.

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