The Shadow World: Untold Secrets

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A/N: Hi I'm really new writing fan fiction type stuff and I'm not a great writer either so please give some feedback. So basically this story is about some Australian shadowhunters and Phoebe discovering who her father was and meeting some new friends. 

Some secrets are best left untold.

Chapter 1 – The Markets

“Here’s your coffee Phoebe.” The waitress said as she sat down the large mug of coffee in front of a young girl who was reading what looked like a good book.

“Thanks.” The girl muttered not paying much attention. She took a mouthful of her coffee and continued to read. Phoebe was often found in this little coffee shop call Gloria Jean’s with her head stuck in a book every visit. She often found it easier to read in a public place.

“Good book?” Phoebe jump, she didn’t expect anyone to notice her. When she looked up she saw her friend Amaris waiting for an answer. Amaris was a beautiful girl, short blonde hair that covers half her face, Phoebe often wonders what the rest of her face looks like, and she is also quite tall and muscular. Phoebe noticed that today Amaris’s eyes were bright yellow like wolf eyes, she usually wears contacts to cover them but today she must have forgotten to put them on. “Earth to Phoebe

“Sorry, I zoned out there, what is it?”

“I asked you if you would like to come help me get something for mum from the Central Markets?”

“Let me finish my coffee, then yes I will go, I do need to stretch my legs” Phoebe gulped the rest of her coffee, put her book in her bag and set off to the markets with Amaris.

“So how's Tyler? I haven't seen him around lately.” Phoebe tried to sound concerned.

“He's okay, I guess. Everyone's a bit restless because it's nearly a full moon.” Amaris's family believe that when the moon changes so do their moods.

“Oh.” Phoebe tried not to let Amaris know that she thinks her family is crazy, but she loves them as her own.


As they stepped through the doors into the markets they both sighed with relief. There was a nice cool breeze through the market, better than the hot sticky weather outside. “What did you need to get?” Phoebe asked to see which direction they had to head in.

“We need to find one of the meat stalls, mum has ordered some meat that I need to pick up. We are having a family dinner, so we need lots.” She exclaimed sounding proud that she was sent for the job.

“Alright, I think I know were the meat stalls are.”

They weaved their way through the crowds of people, Amaris just in front of Phoebe. When suddenly Amaris went into a sprint, Phoebe jogged after her, she has always been faster than Phoebe so why bother trying and catching up. She figured that she had found the right stall, and she had. As Phoebe came into view of the stall Amaris nodded and the owner went out the back. Phoebe jogged up to Amaris when she was suddenly stopped by the smell of wet dog, her instincts told her to turn around but she didn't listen. “What's the matter? You look like you've smelt something bad” Amaris joked

“It's nothing.” She lied. The owner came back around and place three bags full of raw meat on the counter.

“Thanks. Oh and mum wants to know if you are coming tonight?” He must be related to the Cosgroves, which is Amaris's family name.

“I'm not going to be there till late, so tell your mum to start without me.” He said winking at Amaris

“Sure I can tell her that.” Amaris saying while winking back, must be a family thing.

As they stepped outside all the heat came rushing at the at once. Phoebe plucked up the courage and asked “Who was that?”

“Oh, He's a pack.... Family member.” she replied. “Why?”

“No reason, it's just his stall smelt like wet dog.” which she could still smell. Amaris punched Phoebe hard on the shoulder with a worried look on her face.

Don't be rude. Anyway what time did you need to be home by?”

“3 o'clock, why?” Did Amaris want to get rid of her that bad.

“Well it is nearly ten to three, so I’ll walk you home, you need to have someone back up your side of the story and mum said to give your mum a message.”

“Thanks, we better hurry then, the next bus is about to leave.” they reached the bus just in time and headed back to Phoebe's house.

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