The Shadow World: Untold Secrets Chapter 2 - Secrets

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A/N: I will probably only update on the weekends as my mum wants me to improve my grades. So enjoy chapter 2 and this chapter may be a bit visual.

Chapter 2 – Secrets

The bus pulls up at the stop, just a couple of blocks from Phoebe's house. Phoebe helped Amaris with her bags and they jump down off the bus. “Crap! You're seven minutes late.”

“Better think of a good excuse, shouldn't I?” shrugs Phoebe but inside she knew that she was about to get the lecture of a life time about being out in the city at night and that it is a dangerous place out there.

“It's all good. I will talk to her, she loves me.” Amaris says winking with a big toothy grin.

They arrive at her house ten minutes late only to find Annie standing in the doorway with her hands on her hips. Annie was Phoebe's mother. She was a beautiful, slim lady. She had long dark brown hair that finished at her waist, much like Phoebe's, but people say that she looks more like her father. She had her fathers blue eyes and height. Phoebe never really met her father, he had died when she was little, whenever she brought up the subject her mother would fall into tears and try and change the subject. “Where have you been?” Annie said sharply but not quite yelling like she usually does when Phoebe was late. Amaris shot Annie a worried look that made Phoebe shudder, this meant something worst than her mum being angry.

“...ahh...” Phoebe's mind went blank, all she could think about was her mothers face expression.

“I asked her to help me pick up something from the markets, sorry she's home so late, the traffic was terrible.” At least Amaris had her back trying to explain why she was late.

“Right, Phoebe to your room, I need to speak with Amaris.”


“No buts, to your room now.” Annie said trying to keep a firm voice.

Phoebe found herself eavesdropping at the second kitchen door instead of heading to her room. “She's not safe anymore,” Amaris said cautiously “her scenes are getting sharper. She has almost figured out what I am, she also could smell one of my pack members at the market today.”

“I knew this would happen, I just don't want it to be now.” What did her mum mean she knew something was going to happen.

“She needs to go to the Institute where it is safe and you need to leave before it is too late.” What was Amaris talking about and what is the Institute?

“I know, I just wanted more time.”

“You need to tell her or I am going to.”

“No... I will do it.” Phoebe couldn't take it anymore. She climbed the stairs to her room, grabbed the book out of her bag and started to get lost in her book.


She must have been reading for hours because Annie walked in her hair soaking wet, she must have just got out of the shower. She came over and sat down one the bed with Phoebe. “I love you Phoebe, I just want you to know that.”

“Of course I know that and I love you too.” If she didn't love Phoebe she wouldn't be so strict with being home on time and stuff like that.

“I need to tell you something.” There was a hint of pain in Annie's voice.

“Yeah?” Phoebe tried to sound curious.

“It's about your father, He was what is known as...” Annie was stopped mid sentence but a large banging sound followed by the smell of rotten garbage. Fear flooded over Annie's face.

“Mum, what is it?” Phoebe tried not to panic.

“shh..” She whispered as they heard the sound of the stairs creaking, it was coming straight for us ran through Phoebe's head.

“We have to go.” Annie whispered.

“Go where? What's going on?” Phoebe breathed heavily.

“I will explain later but we have to get out of here and head for the Church, you wile be safe there.”

“What about you? I can't leave you and what Church?” Phoebe tried not to sound too frustrated.

“It's getting closer. Run, go find Amaris, she will help.”

“What about you?” Tears were streaming down Phoebe's face, somehow she knew this would be the last time she would see her mother.

“I have to detract the demon, go.” It was getting closer and Phoebe's heart was leaping out of her chest.

“I'm not leaving you!” Phoebe yelled, Annie made a face that only made Phoebe feel worst, Fear.

The door flew off its hinges and standing in the frame was a hideous creature, what must have been the demon. It leaped forward, for Phoebe's mum. Annie let out a horrible screech just as the demon leaned over her and ripped out her Jugular.

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