Chapter 8 - The Institute

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“Hmm… Should we go to your room first ooooorrrrrr the tour around the Institute?” Zero said as he closed the doors behind them. Phoebe just shrugged. “Tour it is then.” He said making the decision for them “I think we will start at the weapons room, the make our way to your room.” He continued.

“Weapons room?” Phoebe was confused, what type of safe place would have a room full of weapons?

“You really don’t know anything about our kind, do you?” Zero said with a sigh.

“No.” she replied a little embarrassed. Zero just sighed again.

“Nephilim or Shadowhunters are half angel, half human. They were created when the Angel Raziel poured his own blood into the Mortal Cup and had Jonathan Shadowhunter to drink from it. Shadowhunters one purpose is to protect the earth from demons.” Zero explained as he looked down at his feet with his eyes shut. There was a long silence.

“So why weren’t you there I was attacked?” Phoebe eyes started to tear up, trying hard not to think of that night. Don’t cry, he will think your weak said the voice in her head.

“I am really sorry about your mother.” He took in a deep breath. “We were about to leave when the werewolves were at the gate with you unconscious.” He explained trying hard to sound concerned but failed. Phoebe didn’t know what to say, she just followed Zero in silence.


Zero lead Phoebe into the weapons room. The was a room laid out like a gym, with foam mats covering the floor, ropes hanging from the ceiling, different height chin up bars, and targets in every corner. As they walked in all Phoebe noticed was that every inch of the walls were covered in weapons, anything from axes to swords, battle maces to bows, and each weapon had the same patterns as the tattoos that the shadowhunters had, but the only weapon she didn’t see were guns. “Ah… Question… I see every single weapon possible but no guns? Why is that?”

“Good question. It’s because if we try to etch the runes onto them they don’t work… and we can’t kill demons with a weapon without runes, they can be injured, yes, but not seriously injured or killed.” Zero explained.

“Oh…” Phoebe whispered. After having a look around the weapons room they moved onto another large room. A tiny smile crept across Zero’s face.

“Close your eyes before we enter.” Phoebe did as he asked; she shut her eyes and places her right hand over them. She heard a creek as he pushed the doors open. A rush of hot air hit her face, leaving the smell of old paper and leather in the air. Her heart started to race, she knew that smell meant books. Zero grabbed her free hand and led her into the room. “You may open your eyes now.” As she lifted away her hands she saw the big smirk across Zero’s face, then she looked away and gasped. All around were big shelves each filled with old fragile books. It was bigger than any of the libraries she has been to in Adelaide.

“Ah… just…. Um… wow…” She was lost for words. How did he know that she liked books?

“Well I know where to find you then. Anyway your werewolf buddies dropped off a bag with whatever stuff they could, and I saw that there were a couple of books on the top, so I thought you would like to see our library” Phoebe blushed, most people of the boys would tease her about reading so much, but Zero was different, he may look and act like the boys at school, but he was kind, unlike them.

“Would you look at the time, we are going to be late for tea.” He said as he flicked his wrist up to look at his watch.

They jogged down the hallways to finally stop in front of a small wooden door. “This is your room. There should be, that’s if Melody did it or not, a set of clothes on the bed to change into.” He said looking up and down at her clothes, which were still the same as when she was attacked. “I will meet you out here in about 15 minutes?”

“OK. Thank you.” She said and slipped into her room. The room looked kind of sad, grey walls, a single window looking out over the city with plain black curtains, an old wooden chair in the corner, a small wardrobe pushed into the other corner, and a single bed against the wall. On the bed were a silky black top, a pair of light blue jeans, and a stack of towels. Phoebe grabbed a towel and headed into the shower. Getting dressed she realised that the clothes were too tight, Melody must have leant them to her. Glancing to her watch she realised that she still had two minutes before she had to meet Zero. So she decided to wait out front of her door for him. Leaning against the wall she braided her hair when she saw something move out the corner of her eye. Phoebe spun around to look, but nothing was there. Leaning back against the wall, something was rubbing against her leg, she looked down, nearly jumping out of her skin. A little ball of white fluff was at her leg. "I think you have a new friend. That's Antarctica, Melody's cat." Zero come rushing around the corner, out of breath. "Sorry I’m late, shall we?" He said offering his arm. Phoebe took it and they walked down the hallway to the dining room.

A/N: Sorry it took so long to upload this but i haven't had enough time to type it up. Once again I know I'm not the best at spelling and grammar so there will definitely be spelling and grammar mistakes. 

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