Chapter 4 - The Unexpected

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Chapter 4 – The Unexpected

A big drool of slobber was about to hit Phoebe's face. She just sat there frozen, until she found herself grabbing the nearest thing in reach, a can of deodorant. She held it up to the demons face and sprayed. It went stumbling back giving her the chance to escape. She pushed herself out of the bath and ran for the door, nearly slipping on the bath mat. Her feet would not stop, she ran through her room, down the stairs and straight through the front door. The demon not far behind.

I took a couple of seconds for her vision to come back. That's when she saw the twelve dogs, dogs the size of a small car. They started to make a low growling sound. One by one they leap toward Phoebe, she ducked just in time, but they weren't attacking her, they were attacking the demon that had just bitten her on the back of the neck. She didn't know it had been bitten her until she had put her hands on the wound, feeling the gaping hole in her flesh, embedded in wound were spines, her vision going black again she ripped at least four small spines out. Looking at her had she could feel the bile rising in her throat but swallowed it. Phoebe looked back towards the demons direction only to see one of the dogs sink their teeth into the demons shoulder, shooting black inchor everywhere.

The dogs began to back away leaving the demon and the ground, it looked like it was having a seizure. Once it stopped, it exploded spraying everything with inchor. When Phoebe went to figure out what the dogs were, the dogs weren't there, only twelve people. She was shocked to find among the group was Amaris, Tyler and their parents. “What just happened?” Phoebe exclaimed feeling light headed all of a sudden .

“We will explain later but we need to get you to the Institute.” It was Mr Cosgrove who answered.

The what?”

“It's a safe house for your kind.” It was Amaris this time.

My kind? We are all the same kind, Human, and where did all the dogs go?” this was confusing Phoebe further. She was about to ask another question when the pain struck. Everything went black as she collapsed to the ground. The last thing she heard was the howling of a dog.


Phoebe only gain consciousness for a couple of minutes, enough time to figure out that one of the people who were out the front before was carrying her while running at an astonishing speed. They were ducking through alleyways trying not to be noticed. “Where are we going?” She said weakly.

“Taking you to a safe place and to fix you up. That Drevark Demon stung you before it died.” Said Tyler who was running next to them. “Hey Amaris, do you have your phone? Better call Ian Stoetzer and tell him where we are going, also don't forget to mention that he will be payed well.”

“Does it have to be Ian? I mean why not any other warlock?” She replied. Warlocks? Warlocks don't exist thought Phoebe.

“Yes, he is the High Warlock of Adelaide, so suck it up princess.” Tyler said straight back before anyone else could complain. Then everything went black, Phoebe had slipped back into unconsciousness.

Once Phoebe opened her eyes again they were standing out the front of a run down church. In the doorway stood three strange people. They all were dressed in black from head to toe and covered in funny shaped tattoos. They rushed down from where they were standing when realizing that something was wrong. Phoebe noticed that one of them was a female, she would have had to be in her late 20's, light brown hair that fell down to her mid back and she had bright green eyes. Phoebe closed her eye's and heard the lady say sharply “What are you doing here... Werewolves?

A/N: Yes I know i used dogs instead of wolves but in Australia we don't have wolves, and sorry if I have missed spelt some words but I am not the greatest at spelling.

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