part 4

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*let's just say it Friday*

prod:Pisces,what you doin tonight.

Pisces: uhh, nothing why?

prod: you wanna go to a party with me? 

Pisces: uhh. sure. 

*prod see's the boys*

prod:ight see yah later.

Pisces:ight (smiles )

prod:(kisses her cheek )

*he leaves *

*the girls come up*

Mani:aww shitt I see you.  ! (laughs )

Pisces: (laughs )

Mani&&mia:I told you soo.

*they start walking to class *

Pisces:sooo. mani what's going on with you and roc.

Mani:(smirks) don't worry about that ,what tamia and ray.

Tamia:(blushes ) just know he's mine. 

Pisces:(laughs ) welll, okay then.

After school.

*Prod goes over pisces house and they chill up in her room*

Pisces:soo,hows it like living like a super star .

Prod: ehh ,pretty good and pluss screaming girls and the pretty sexy (smirks)

Pisces:oh really!(gets up )

Prod: (grabs her arm) im just playing come here .

Pisces:(walks over to him) .

Prod:(kisses her) .

Pisces:(smiles and kissez back)

Prod:what you wearing to.the party .


Prod: hmmm,

Pisces:i mean i could ho naked if you want me to..

Prod: No! (coughs) i mean naw dont do that .

Pisces:mmmm,well bye im about to get dressed and stuff(pushes him out her room)

Prod: damn no kiss.!

Pisces:(kisses him)happy .

Prod:yupp(walks out)

*pisces took a shower and did her hygiene and put on her black v-line shirt ,shorts and some timberlands with some high socks and she let her hair out *

Pisces mom:were you going looking all fresh .

Pisces:to a party ..

Pisces mom: with that mindless boy ?.

Pisces:(smiles) yeah

Pisces mom:well have fun but not to much .

*pisces leaves and goes to the conjunction house to see mani,tamia,roc,ray,prince &&prod . Sitting on the couch*

Prince:took you long enough! (re-fluffing his hair) .

Pisces:man shut up!. Who's party are we going to anyway?

Hey guys it's not long like it was suppose to be but hey im tired .. So peace !

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