part 11

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*at mani and rocs house*

mani: but are you and prod getting back together .

pisces:we might , I mean I want to . but he's takung be on a date on friday .*smiles*

mani: awwwe !  .

pisces: yeah, so what's up with you and rocs relationship??.

mani:he talking about he want kids!.

pisces: why won't you give him one ..

mani: *sighs* because I don't want him to barley be there with tour and stuff. .

pisces: girl you know dang well  roc going to be there for you and the baby.

mani: yeah ,I'll just talk to him tonight ! 

pisces: well ima go home. .

mani: before you go. did you hear that jacob went to rehab?? .

pisces:*lying*uhhh no I didn't hear that but thanks for telling me .

*pisces leaves and sees that prods not home so she cooks them dinner and takes a shower and puts on booty shorts with a sports bra and done bunny slippers after she had got done cooking prod had came*

* after they got done eating*

Prod: oh i missed your cooking !

Pisces: yeah , so what you wanna do now ??*smirks*

Prod: ive had one thing on my mind.

Pisces:.likeee ?*wraps her arms around his neck*

Prod:*starts kissing her*

Pisces:* kisses back *

What do yall think is going to happen ??



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