part 3

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*That night *

                Mani p.o.v

Me and mia took pisces home and picked her out a skin tight long red  dress and some black heels .then we left out the room and pisces took a shower and washed her hair and we curled her hair and we did her nails and makeup and she put on the dress .

(pisces looks in the mirror)

Pisces:yall did that !(hugs them)

Me:we cant have you going out looking like don king !.

Mia:yess,thanks up later  .

Me:soo when is "mr.prodigy" coming over to pick you up.

Knock knock .

Mia: i guess now .

*end of p.o.v*

They walk downstairs and  opens the door.


Prod:hey ,you look great!

Pisces: thanks.

Prod: you ready to goo?


At the restaurant.

Pisces:lets get to the case ,.why do you like me ,i mean i an pretty but my additude with you and the rest of the boys are crazy so why do you like me sooo much . You can have any girl in the world why me ..

Prod: thats it i can have any girl well your not just any girl ,there's something about .they way your eyes sparkle when your happy, look i know you've been hurt before but i promise i will never hurt you and i want you to know that ,but if you dont feel the same way ill wait till you do !.

Pisces: (blushes) welll.

After the date on pisces porch.

Pisces: (laughs) well back to earlier, how do i know your not playing me  .

Prod:by this (kisses her).

*surprisingly kissed back and the both felt sparks *

Pisces:(pulls away) (smiles)

Prod:(smirks) see yah tomorrow.

Pisces: yeah,see yah.(goes in her house) wow!(slides down the door).

Mani:wow what,

Pisces:(jumps up) oh nothing .

Tamia:mmmhhh,she liked that date .

Mani:andddd,we seen that kiss ..

Pisces:pshhhhh ,what the hell yall doing here ..i thought yall left.

I made this chapter short cause the next one will be long ! .

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