part 5

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at the party .

*the boys introduced the girls to the OMG Girlz and whiled they talked the boys went to talk to the host ...Jacob Latimore then the girls came up*

ray:jacob this is our girls .

jacob :(smirks) mia , mani and pisces . (chuckles) y'all get around don't Yall.

pisces: and I can say the same . (rolls her eyes)

mani: anyways nice party but we gotta go.  !

roc:why we just got here .

jacob: yeah y'all just got here sit down ,party .. don't be scared.(walks away)

prod: pisces what is he talking about ? .

pisces:uhhh nothing ,let's just dance .(pulls him to the dance floor)

prod:uhhh,okay .

And that's were it all Started !

Haha you thought that was really the story ha naee ot just started.

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breath again (mindless behavior &&diggy&jacob latimore&&OmggirlzWhere stories live. Discover now