part 16

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*the left the conjuction house went to the air port and they flew to new york*

Roc: New york the land of beaut-

Imani:finish that sentence and we gonna see who beautiful then . *rolls her eyes*

Prince: haha you got toldd.*laughs*

Walter:Okay, Okayyy .. jacob and OMG is already at hotel soo when we get there were gonna unpack and go out to eat .

pisces:*mumbles* oh boy.

(They left and went to the hotel )

*With Prod and Pisces *

Prod: your stomach is like a basketball.*touching it*

Pisces: hmmm , what you tryna sayy. !* gets up*

Prod: Look i didnt mean it like that.

Pisces: *walks into the bathroom* leave me alone.

Prod: please, babyy im sorry .. ill buy you some icecream and hot pepers . *smirks*

Pisces: *opens the door* really ,

Prod: of course .

Pisces: lets goo then.

( They went to the store and came back and seen OMG in the lobby. )

Babydoll: Pisces !*runs up to her* your soo bigg.

Pisces: i mean i am pregnant .

Star: is Prod the babys Father ..*rubs her stomach*

Pisces:Yass , he is.

Prod: ima take this stuff upstairs.*kisses her and leaves*

Beauty: Soooooo, i seen jacob.

Star: How do you think he's gonna take it .

Pisces: i dont even know ,

Babydoll: He might think its his.

*eventually they all decide to go to the pool were they seen. _____ Pisces has been dreading this moment.*




who do yall think is down there . ??

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