part 13

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* Dr. Trey comes back in with the  result*

Dr. Trey:*looks at the paper* *sighs* okay looks like your 1 month and a week pregnant. would you like to see the baby?.

Pisces:sure .

Dr.Trey gets the equitment .

Dr. Trey: lay back for me .

*pisces does as told*

Dr. Trey: *puts the lube on her stomach* Okay .. heres the head *points to the screen* and the rest of the body .

*after he got done showing her the baby he wipes the lube off her stomach and he explains everything. Then her and the girls got to pisces and prods house*

Mani: how you gonna tell Prod ?.

Pisces: I dont know. do the have reharsals today?

mia: yup.

* the girls get into manis car and they drive to there reharsals *

*when they  get there they see all the boys with there shirts of dancing to keep her in the low . *

(( prod looks at the girls and he tells dave to cut the music and he goes over to pisces and kisses her))


pisces:i need to talk to you*walks him out the room*

prod: about?.

pisces: well. im pregnant *looks down*

prod:*gets nervous but happy* really ?

pisces: yeah.*still looking down*

prod:*lefts her head up and kisses her*look its alright ill be here for you . How many months are you.

pisces:1 month and a week .

prod: soo the babys mine?.

pisces: yess craig it is .

prod:*kisses her again*  alright well ima call you later okay ?

pisces: okay .

*her and the girls leave*

((still with the boys))

*after  they left prod just sat on the floor holding his knees*

Prince: wassup with you prod?.

prod: mannn she pregnant !*rubs his head*

Ray: is it yours ?

prod: yeah .

Roc: then you should be happy !*sits next to him*

prod:im not ready to a dad ..

dave: you act like your the only one thats ever been not ready ! . you had unprotected sex soo you can take care of a baby.!

Prince: daves right.

prod: yeah .

*a girl walks through the door*

dave:hey ema! thank you for comin .

ema:ya welcome.

prod: how old are you?* bites his lip*



dave: alrighty ,ima have prod and ema got into a diffrent room ,prod i want you to show her the dance .

* they leave and walk to the room *

((in the room))

ema:soo *bends down in front of prod*

prod: are you the backup dancer ?

ema:if i am?

prod:then they picked a beautiful dancer.

breath again (mindless behavior &&diggy&jacob latimore&&OmggirlzWhere stories live. Discover now