Part 21

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2 weeks later .

                          In Ohio .

Beauty:*sits on jacobs lap* Soo pisces ya birthday in in week .what you gonna do ?

Pisces: well im leavung monday tuesdays Doctor appointment and Wendsday bday i dont even know but ima miss yall. *Kisses prod*

Prod: Why cant you just stay ima be boredd!

Roc: Hey you got us.*smiles*

Prod:*rolls his eyes* ima be bored.

Roc: All i said was he got us.

mani:its okayy *plays in his hair.

Pisces: ill be coming back 2 weeks from then.

That Monday..

                 Pisces p.o.v

I woke up and did my hygiene and put on my oreo's 5s and my black sweat pants and my jordan shirt and put my hair in a pony tail , i lefted a note ate some breakfast and lefted.

*end of p.o.v*

*Skipping tell she got back home *

(Pisces gets a phone call)

pisces:Hello .

Prod: What The Hell Pisces Why Didnt You Call Me !

Pisces: Dont be yelling at me !

Prod: im just happy you made if safe*sighs* so when did you get home . ?

Pisces: 20 mins ago, but i miss you alreadyyyyy.

Prod: Me too , but Walter Already Said i cant come down for your birthday,

Pisces: OMG ! He Gets On My - i hate Him , Your a grown ass man!

Prod: Skype Me !

Pisces : I will Ima take a shower first ! then skype you.

prod:Wear something sexy!

Pisces: ill try ,

*pisces did her hygiene and put on a sports bra with some botty shorts and let her hair out . and skyped prod*

Ding . . Ding. .

Prod: Heyy beautifull *looks up* Your stomach isss ,

pisces: is what  ?

Prod: neva mind but your boobs got bigger !*smiles*

pisces: yeahh, and they hurt likeee hell!. . *pokes them*

prod: well , you gonna let me see them ? .

Pisces: Nopeeee! *smirks*

prod: damnn, well me and prodaconda miss you *winks and smirks*

pisces: well if you just comeee down here !

Prod: you already i cant come we just talked about this!.

Pisces: Whatever , i dont even wanna talk to you anymore , put Roc in this .

prod: it's  -

Pisces: i dont even care !

Okayyyyy  , Tell Me What Yall Think About This Soo .

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