part 14

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ema: thanks.*smiles* so Mr.prodigy since its a duet what you want be to do.?

prod:ima need you need you to walk around me drop down slide up my leg turn around and jump up and wrap your lefts around me.

*ema did as she was told*

ema: well not soo bad*leans in and trys to kiss him*

prod:*blocks the kiss* look i got to go home and take care of my pregnant girlfriend.!*picks up his stuff and runs out*

((prod gets into his car and drives home unlocks the door and runs into there room and kisses pisces)).

pisces:*breaks the kiss* whats gotten into you.

prod:nothing im just happy that your pregnant!.

pisces: i see.*smiles* well since your home what you wanna doo.?

prod: well i do need to tell you something .

pisces: yess?

prod: well me and the boys have the All Around The World tour and it starts in 3 months ? and the OMG Girlz are comming and jacob .

Pisces: uhh okay .

prod: your okay with jacob coming ??*surprised *

pisces: yeahh .

3 Months later .

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