part 36

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Skipping 2years ..

Prod : Cam ! Get Back down Here right now !

Cam : yes Dad *comes down the stairs *

prod : why ya teacher call me , again this is the 4th time .!

pisces : Takes up after his Dad hard headed ! *laughs* cam Go upstairs and let  me talk to your dad .

cam :okay *goes upstairs*

prod : I dont know why he acts like this we give him everything he needs and want *sits down*

pisces : maybe because you always on tour or at the studio . *puts dishes away * i mean you never here anymore , we barley have sex and when we do its not the same. *goes and the freezer*

Prod : Well Mindless behavior Is very important to me . *gets up*

pisces : okay But you have a family a child ! buying nice thing for people you love dont replace the time you didnt spend with them .

prod : your right . but on that sex thing i can help you with that*picks her up and kisses her*

pisces : *laughs* Go talk to cam  while i cook .

prod : okay . *putsher down*

( he goes upstairs and see's cameron playing by himself with his cars )

prod : Can i Play ?

Cam : * looks up* dont you have to tour ?

prod : Cameron *sits down * Daddys Not always gonna be there to tuck you in and play with you but for now on ima try my best to always be there okay ?

Cam: Okay .

prod : now Can i Play .

Cam : *sighs* Yeah , But thats the cop car and thats the bad car .

prod : okay * starts playing with the cars *

(pisces comes up and and records them and prod notices so him and cameron starts attacking her )

pisces : * laughs* wait . ! *puts camera down *  Thanks Everyone For coming to our wedding and taking the time to be there for me along my jorney with prod and everyone else . *Blows a kiss *

all of them : byee

pisces cuts the camera off .

pisces : Cameron you hungry ?

Cam : yeah.

pisces : okay go downstairs ill be down in a minute .

Cam : *runs down the stairs*

prod : Wedding? * puts toys away *

pisces : yep for our future wedding . * goes up to him and kisses him *

breath again (mindless behavior &&diggy&jacob latimore&&OmggirlzWhere stories live. Discover now