Chapter 1

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You sat on a low branch in your favorite tree. Nobody ever really saw you up there.

You were twenty two and still climbed trees. You pushed a lock of h/c away from your eyes. You watched as a guy walked by. He had brown hair, blue jeans, and a blue sweatshirt with something on it. You realised it was your favorite YouTube's logo.

You were about to get down when you heard his voice. "Hello?" He said as he pressed his iPhone to his ear, stopping in place. You just couldn't believe it. You knew the Venturiantale gang moved to Indiana, but you had no idea it was your town! (You're in your front yard, no fence, he's on the sidewalk) you knew it was him, it just had to be!

When he got off the phone you yelled from the tree, "Hey!" Jordan looked pretty frightened, but then looked up and saw you. He shielded his eyes from the sun to see you. Skillfully, you climbed down to see him.

When you got down he said, "uh...hi!" You stuck out your hand confidently, but you were super nervous!

"I'm y/n l/n," you said.

Jordan took your hand. "I'm Jordan."

Then you said, "oh, I know who you are, I watch your channel!" Jordan blushed slightly at his stupidity of not suspecting this.

"So uh...y/n, wanna hang sometime maybe? Meet the rest of the gang?" He asked. You blushed and stared at him with huge e/c eyes.

"Like a date!?" You exclaimed, dumbfounded.

Jordan laughed. "Wow, it did sound like that! No, no, just as friends."

You both sat there laughing to tears and then you answered, "sure." He grabbed your wrist and started pulling you.

"Come on then!" He said. You followed him to his house.

As you were running you were thinking about Cierra. You'd met a girl on vacation in Ohio named Cierra. She had three other siblings. And, when you saw Cierra in videos she reminded you of that girl.

Nah, it can't be her! You thought. But you were wrong. (dun Dun DUNNNNNN!!! XD) when you got to his house you were both panting from running. Jordan opened the door for you and then walked in behind you.

"Welcome back Jord-" Cierra said, walking into the foyer. (Ooo fancy!) "Y/n!?" Cierra squealed. Your gaw dropped and you stared at her. You two jumped and squealed for a little while, since you just found your old friend. (Yaaay reunion!)

Bethany and Isaac came to see what was going on. When beth saw you she grabbed your wrist and the three of you ran upstairs. When they were gone Isaac smirked.

"What?" Jordan asked.

"Oh, you know what. She's your girlfriend, right?" Isaac said.

"No!" Jordan exclaimed.

"Really? Then who is she?" He asked. So, Jordan told him how you were in the tree and you met, then how you talked and came here. He put in every detail.

Isaac's smirk got bigger. "I'll give you three days and I bet you'll be head over heels in love with her." He said and walked away into the kitchen.

Then, you came running down and jumped up on Jordan's back. You surprised him and he staggered but didn't fall over. "We wanna watch doctor who!" You yelled. He laughed and put you down.

"Okay." He chuckled and went to get the movie.

Ugh, I got it done! Well....I'll write the second chapter soon. Please share this with your friends and, bye!

Jordan Frye X Reader (Venturian Fanfic) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now